Call for Papers: Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal – Vol. 2

Dear colleagues, fellow Langscape members, and friends,

Having just published the first volume of our very own digital, peer-reviewed journal Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal, we are happy to present to you the call for papers for the second volume of our journal. We would like to encourage you to contribute to the upcoming volume, which will focus on migration movements and identities in European societies and implications on multi-/plurilingualism in the education system. Since the journal deals with multilinguality in content and form, authors are invited to send in their abstracts in English, French, German or Spanish. Accordingly, you will find below a pdf-document of the call for papers in each of these languages:

CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_deutsch

CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_english

CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_espagnol

CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_francais

Please feel free, and highly encouraged, to pass this CfP on to your colleagues and circulate it in your networks. If you do have any further questions regarding the CfP or the journal, you can contact the editors via

Kind regards,

Florian Möller

11. May 2018 | Posted by
Posted in Allgemein, Publications

2 comments on “Call for Papers: Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal – Vol. 2

    1. Dear Fran Martin,
      The deadline for proposals will be 15th July 2018.
      Final papers, once the proposal has been accepted, will be due by 10 January 2019.
      We are happy to receive correspondence via

      Very best wishes
      Stephan Breidbach

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