Shoots, Storms and Strawberries

After a successful season start the tandem / groups have continued to look after their raised beds. Ayami, Katharina, Meltem, for instance, were assigned three raised beds. Two of them were already full of left-behind plants, mostly strawberries. With no space to relocate the strawberries, they decided to keep them (instead of throwing them away). This definitely paid off: a week later they could not only find the plant flowering but also noticed some baby berries as well.

In their third raised bed, weeds had made themselves at home. The group took them out and planted two TUmatoes. Luckily, the tomatoes also survived the storm, with the support of a few poles. However, now the tomatoes are struggling with black bugs – possibly vermin?

Additionally, they seeded wild rocket next to the tomatoes. With many shoots sprouting only a couple of days later it was hard to know, what are weeds and what are wild rockets.

Besides, Fiona, Iqra and Anna added a young zucchini plant to their bed.

Another tandem, Cornelius and Luisa, planted tomatoes, beans, basil and marigold in the upper bed, and beetroot and kohlrabi in the lower bed.

25. Mai 2022 | Veröffentlicht von ehemaliges Mitglied
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