◊ 07.03.2023: KuK-Tuesdays: Dislocation and Womanhood, TU Berlin

The Department of Art History as Cultural History of Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy at Technische Universität Berlin will be closing off the first season of KuK-Tuesdays: Dislocation with an incredible panel: we are honored to welcome Jihan El-Tahri (digital), Prof. Dr. Elahe Haschemi Yekani and Bansoa Sigam to the session on the 7th of March 6 pm c.t. at Hybrid Lab, TU/UdK. Moderated by Jeanne-Ange Wagne, our last session will be examining “Dislocation and Womanhood”.

More information here.

2023-03-07 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Elahe Haschemi Yekani
Posted in Allgemein