◊ 5-10.09.2023: Spätifunk[fenster]. Public installations on the “migrant everyday” as part of Urbane Praxis Week 2023

Spätifunk[fenster] is a project co-organized by Thao Ho in which she puts research questions that she came across during her first semester as part of “Tales of the Diasporic Ordinary” into practice: How can we understand the concept of diasporic tales, diasporic ordinary, archive (oral history), and aesthetics (How to reproduce and display marginalized stories beyond representation? How can the inevitable practice of (self-)extraction look like through a less violent process?)

The installations can be found in Berliner Spätis (late-night shops) and other public spaces, and give an insight into the visual and auditory documentation of conversations with Späti owners about their late-night shop, experiences with the so-called Sunday regulation, the ban on outdoor seating, gentrification and the everyday encounters in their neighbourhood.

More information here.

2023-09-01 | Posted by Thao Ho
Posted in Allgemein