Save the Date: IZBF Doctoral Summer School 2014 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dear Langscape members and friends,

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (IZBF) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin invites postgraduates and PhD-researchers to take part in the Doctoral Summer School 2014.

This year’s motto of the Summer School will be:

The methodology chapter in educational research –
issues in empirical and theory-driven research

The Summer School welcomes doctoral researchers from all fields of educational research. In 2014, there will be a special focus on research projects in language education. Working languages will be German and English.

The Summer School will take place on 11th and 12th September 2014 at the Campus Mitte of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

The overall aim of this year´s Summer School is to foreground important methodological issues in both empirical and theory-driven research. Guiding questions will be:

  • What basic assumptions is a research question based on?

  • What are the contexts that give relevance to individual projects?

  • Which is the scope of the expected results of a research project?

  • How are the research topic and the applied methods linked?

  • Which perspectives are opened by individual research designs and which are excluded? What are the potentials and limitations of analytic-nomothetic and interpretive-reconstructive methods?

  • Which issues referring to ethical guidelines for research are to be accounted for?

These and other related questions will be discussed in workshops and counselling sessions conducted by various experts in the field of research methodology.

Details on the program, application & registration procedure and participation fees will be announced in May 2014. Members of the IZFB qualify for a reduced rate.

For further information, please refer to:

Alternatively, contact Jurik Stiller at the IZBF:

Organising Committee of the IZFB-Summer School 2014:

Anka Bergmann (Russian Language Education)

Stephan Breidbach (English Language Education)

Stefan Kipf (Latin/Greek Language Education)

Lutz Küster (French/Spanish Language Education)


(You can find this announcement as pdf file here.)


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

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