About Langscape

LANGSCAPE is an international research network engaging in plurilingualism, language education and language learning.

LANGSCAPE responds to the tendencies of linguistic, cultural, and methodological fragmentation in foreign/second/further language research by strengthening plurilingualism and diversity, and by giving special consideration to the social impact of mobility, migration, class, and gender as expressions of linguistic/cultural empowerment and integration. The general research concept of LANGSCAPE projects beyond disciplinary and geographic boundaries.

Areas of Langscape activity:

  • Research in international groups & contexts
  • International plurilingual conferences
  • Plurilingual publications prepared by international editorial teams
  • Curriculum development in language teacher education
  • Opportunities for study in plurilingual contexts at BA, MA & PhD level
  • Doctoral workshops & colloquia, summer/winter schools, expert seminars
  • Bilateral PhD opportunities (co-tutelle/bi-lateral supervision)
  • Blended learning activities


Langscape past & present

Research activities started out with a core group of 12 partners in 8 countries in 1998.

LANGSCAPE is now in the process of expanding its scope and aims by setting up regional centers in approximately 11 countries. This will give equal access to all partners to conduct research and training, but particularly so to the new EU member states joining the project over the next years. Further, it will allow better exchange of expertise and more profitable dissemination of research results and samples of good-practice by way of sharing expert knowledge with local knowledge in education and the public sphere.

The network is currently coordinated by Stephan Breidbach from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


This site has been in operation since June 2013 after a change of the LANGSCAPE Coordinators.

The previous website of LANGSCAPE at the University of Siegen cannot be accessed anymore. For further information please contact LANGSCAPE through the current coordination at langscape@hu-berlin.de.

4. June 2013 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach