Volume 4 of the LANGSCAPE journal is online now and offers a selective overview of the role and significance of pluri- and multilingualism in education and training contexts for teachers of modern language. Under the general heading of Pluri- and Multilingualism in Initial Language Teacher Education and Training, the volume presents contributions from an international and contrastive viewpoint.
You can find the complete journal as well as the individual articles following this link:

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
For the fourth volume of our network’s very own peer-reviewed online journal “Language Education and Multilingualism” the tireless editors, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, are looking for your contributions. The upcoming fourth volume will focus on:
Pluri- / multilingualism in language teachers’ pre-service studies and training.
Your proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages are expected by September 1, 2020.
For further details in English, Spanish, French, or German, please refer to the document embedded below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Thanks to the tireless efforts and dedication of our very own journal’s coordinators, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, and the wide spectrum of our authors’ remarkable contributions the new volume of LANGSCAPE’s very own journal is now available online. The current second volume focuses on
Migration movements and identities in European societies. Implications on multi-/plurilingualism in the education system.
We are especially grateful to our authors: Cédric Brudermann, José Aguilar & Myriam Abouzaïd; Eva-Maria Hennig-Klein; Lin Xue; Melanie Buser & Giuseppe Melfi; Gilles Forlot & Silvia Lucchini; Felix Etxeberria, Joxe Garmendia, Hilario Murua & Elisabete Arrieta; Blanka Gruntová; Frances Martin & Fatima Pirbhai-Illich; Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer & Barbara Thomas; Glenn Levine & Bridget Swanson. Your inspiring articles have encouraged us in the continuation of this long-term LANGSCAPE publication project.
You can find the current volume following this link: https://edoc.hu-berlin.de/handle/18452/21338

If you would like to support us in bringing the journal to a wider audience, please feel free to download the above poster as a pdf via the button below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, esteemed colleagues, and friends,
Last year LANGSCAPE’s very own peer-reviewed online journal, titled Language Education and Multilingualism, released its first volume. Since then the editor team, i.e. Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Christiane Fäcke and Stephan Breidbach, have not only worked tirelessly to prepare the second volume. But, earlier this year, they also circulated the call for proposals for the third volume of the journal. Said third volume will focus on the topic of Multilingual life in urban linguistic landscapes. The editor team cordially invite your contributions to this volume of the journal.
Please see the call for proposals below for more details on the aim and focus of the volume.
Language Education and Multilingualism publishes original work in English, French, German, or Spanish.
The call for proposals closes on March 1st, 2019. Full articles will be due by August 1st, 2019. Please send your proposal to the following address: langscapejournal@hu-berlin.de
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_deutsch
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_english
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_español
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_français
Please forward this CfP to colleagues interested in the topic and feel free to circulate it widely within your professional networks.
For further information about the journal, please visit the online site of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal or contact langscapejournal@hu-berlin.de
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

The latest volume in MSU (Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule und Unterricht, Vo. 14) is now ready for delivery:
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Europe (CLIL) – Research Perspectives on Policy and Practice, edited by Stephan Breidbach & Britta Viebrock (2013, Peter Lang Publishers).
Here is an adapted excerpt from the cover text:
CLIL has received a strong tailwind in European educational and language policies. However, an overly speedy implementation of CLIL ‘for all’ carries many uncharted risks for all groups of stakeholders. The purpose of this book is to link the growing empirical knowledge about the full complexity of CLIL to the current European educational and language policies.
This bi-lingual volume (English/German) brings together authors from several European countries to present significant findings from recent CLIL research in the light of the developments in education policy. The four parts of the book focus on the reconstruction of learning processes, learner achievement, investigations of the concept of CLIL, and critical reflections on the current “CLIL boom”.
Contributors from Langscape:
Stephan Breidbach, Daniela Elsner, Özlem Etus, Marie-Anne Hansen-Pauly, Katja Lochtman and Britta Viebrock.
A preview of the table of content will follow here, soon.
Please consider recommending the volume for purchase to your librarian. Direct orders can be placed with Peter Lang Publishers.