Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Next year our very own journal, Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal, will publish a special issue, which will focus on Language Teacher Education and Plurilingualism in Digital Learning Environments.
The editors of the special issue, i.e. Prof. Dr. Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer (Universität Siegen), Dr. José Ignacio Aguilar Río (MCF, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Dr. Cédric Brudermann (MCF, Sorbonne Université – faculté des sciences et d’ingénierie), Dr. Grégory Miras (MCF, Université de Rouen Normandie), and Ramona Schneider (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) are currently looking for contributions.
Since publication of the special issue is planned for spring 2020, you are most welcome to submit abstracts until July 15, 2019.
In keeping with our multilingual interests and research, the Call for Papers contains versions in German, English, Spanish and French. So, without further ado, you will find the download for the CfP below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller