Archive for category Conferences & Expert Meetings

COMING SOON: AILA-ReN and Langscape Symposium in Berlin, 13 December, 2013

Dear Langscape members,

please note: the AILA-ReN “Sociocultural Theory & Emergentism“ and Langscape Symposium “Interactions of Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism in SLA and Language Education Studies – Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Concerns”

jointly held in Berlin next week, now has an official website accessible via:

You will find information on the programme and other organizational issues published here.

If you have not registered or confirmed attendance yet or in case of problems of any sort do – as usual – not hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to meeting all of you who will attend the conference in Berlin.

Kind regards,

Claudia Schmidt



Introducing new member in Langscape Coordination Team!

Dear Langscape members,

my name is Claudia Schmidt and I´d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as a new member of the Langscape Coordination Team.

I am a BA-student of English (major) and Latin (minor) at Humboldt University in Berlin, and in the future, I will strengthen the backbone of the Langscape Coordination by supporting the work of Lutz Küster and Stephan Breidbach. My main tasks will be to manage the Langscape Blog and facilitate communication between the Coordinators and the Board of Directors and R&N Consultants. I will also help with the coordination of conferences and meetings at Humboldt University on behalf of the Langscape Network.

The first opportunity to meet face-to-face will be on 13th and 14th December at Humboldt University for those of you who will attend the Symposium of AILA ReN and/or the meeting of Board of Directors.

Please forward any material, news or events you would like to have posted to the Langscape Blog to me, using the following e-mail address: I will be happy to take care of a speedy publication.

Hoping to be able to add my share to making Langscape a mutually fruitful network, I am much looking forward to working with you,

Best wishes for now,


Claudia_Schmidt_Langscape Coordination_Assistant






Save the date for Langscape Conference “Sociocultural Competence & Multilingual Education” – VU Brussel, Sept. 19-20, 2014

Dear Langscape members,

There will be a conference on “Sociocultural Competence & Multilingual Education” at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on September 19-20, 2014. The conference will be co-hosted by Langscape and co-organised by Katja Lochtman, who is currently on the Board of Directors for Conferences & Expert Meetings.

There are also plans to have a meeting of the Board of Directors and R&N Consultants concomitant to the conference.

A call for papers and further information on the event will follow during the summer break, presumably by mid-August.