Archive for category Board of Directors

Call for applications: guest lectureship at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

I´m happy to forward this call for applications on behalf of Daniela Elsner, member of the LANGSCAPE Teaching Projects Directorate. The programme International Campus at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt invites lecturers from abroad to offer courses at the Goethe-Universität between May 2015 and August 2016.

Please note: applications should be handed in until 26th April 2015.

For a detailed description of the programme as well as conditions and requirements please refer to the announcement here (in German) or contact Daniela Elsner (

Best regards,


Save the Date + Call for Papers: Conference on Plurilingualism, pluriculturalism and English in globalization, Angers 7-10 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

please save the date for another highly interesting conference on

“Plurilingualism, pluriculturalism and English in globalization: devices, practices and issues in the internationalization of European higher education”.

The International Congress organized by the Western Catholic University Angers (F) and the University of Nantes (F) will take place at Western Catholic University at Angers between 7th and 10th October.

For more detailed information, please refer to the bilingual paper on the congress (including a call for papers) and do not hesitate to contact us or Christiane Fäcke, member of the LANGSCAPE Publication Policy directorate, who is co-organizing this conference.

Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

(LANGSCAPE Coordination Team)


Call for Papers: Symposium + LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar – Barcelona, 13-16 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

we are pleased to be able to provide you today with some details concerning the Symposium and LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar in Barcelona in October this year along with the according proposal forms:

1. The Symposium

“Sociocultural Approaches to Additional Language Learning/Teaching Research and Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap between Practice and Theory”

taking place between 14th and 16th October. Please follow these links for a detailed description of the Symposium and the form to be filled in and sent back to the organizers if you wish to propose a contribution.


2. The LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar

“Research on multilingualism in the language classroom”

which will be held prior to the Symposium on 13th October. Please find here a short description and the proposal form to be sent back as well to the coordinators named.

For any problems and questions concerning the events in Barcelona, please contact the organizers/coordinators introduced in the documents.

Looking forward to meeting you there.

Best regards from Berlin,

Claudia Schmidt (on behalf of the LANGSCAPE Coordination Team)


Save the Date: LANGSCAPE + Symposium + AILA in Barcelona, 13 – 16 October, 2015

Dear Langscape members,

We are very pleased to be able to send our best wishes for a happy New Year in conjunction with the announcement of the next general Langscape-Meeting (functioning as a BoD – meeting) at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on the 13th October, 2015.

We are very grateful to Olga Esteve and her team, who will host this meeting and the succession of other Langscape-related events in the same week. The Langscape/BoD-Meeting will be in a sandwich-position between an opening Doctoral Seminar and a three-day Symposium of the AILA ReN “Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism”. You are all very warmly invited to participate in each of these events.

Below, you find a tentative schedule for you to be able to save the date(s).

• Langscape Doctoral Seminar: ‘Research on multilingualism in educational settings’                    October 13th, 2015 (9 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.)

 • Langscape & BoD-Meeting (open to all Langscape members)                                                    October 13th, 2015 (afternoon, est. 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.)

Symposium: Sociocultural approaches to additional language learning/teaching research and teacher education:  bridging the gap between practice and theory, University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)         October 14th -16th, 2015

AILA ReN-Meeting                                                                                                                                  October 16th, 2015 (4 p.m. – 6 p.m.)

A more detailled programme for the whole week, a Call for Papers for the ReN-Symposium and details for the Doctoral Seminar will be coming soon.

We hope to see you in Barcelona in October.
Best wishes from Berlin for now,
Stephan, Lutz and Claudia

NEWS: Book publication & Summer School in Oslo

Dear Langscape members and friends,

I´d like to forward the following interesting links on behalf of Jose I. Aguilar Río, member of the BoD – Doctoral Support and Networking:

1. Summer School in Oslo (Norway) in early September, title: “Different approaches to multilingualism” (social, cognitive, and psychological)”

For more, please refer to here.

2. The book “Young Children as Intercultural Mediators” by Zhiyan Guo has just been published.

For more, please refer to here.


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt







Save the Date: IZBF Doctoral Summer School 2014 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dear Langscape members and friends,

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (IZBF) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin invites postgraduates and PhD-researchers to take part in the Doctoral Summer School 2014.

This year’s motto of the Summer School will be:

The methodology chapter in educational research –
issues in empirical and theory-driven research

The Summer School welcomes doctoral researchers from all fields of educational research. In 2014, there will be a special focus on research projects in language education. Working languages will be German and English.

The Summer School will take place on 11th and 12th September 2014 at the Campus Mitte of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

The overall aim of this year´s Summer School is to foreground important methodological issues in both empirical and theory-driven research. Guiding questions will be:

  • What basic assumptions is a research question based on?

  • What are the contexts that give relevance to individual projects?

  • Which is the scope of the expected results of a research project?

  • How are the research topic and the applied methods linked?

  • Which perspectives are opened by individual research designs and which are excluded? What are the potentials and limitations of analytic-nomothetic and interpretive-reconstructive methods?

  • Which issues referring to ethical guidelines for research are to be accounted for?

These and other related questions will be discussed in workshops and counselling sessions conducted by various experts in the field of research methodology.

Details on the program, application & registration procedure and participation fees will be announced in May 2014. Members of the IZFB qualify for a reduced rate.

For further information, please refer to:

Alternatively, contact Jurik Stiller at the IZBF:

Organising Committee of the IZFB-Summer School 2014:

Anka Bergmann (Russian Language Education)

Stephan Breidbach (English Language Education)

Stefan Kipf (Latin/Greek Language Education)

Lutz Küster (French/Spanish Language Education)


(You can find this announcement as pdf file here.)


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

Save the date & Call for Papers: International conference SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE & LANGUAGE LEARNING IN MULTILINGUAL SETTINGS, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 18-19 September 2014

Dear Langscape members,

please save the date for another interesting conference on 18 and 19 September at Brussels!


at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BRUSSELS, on 18-19 September 2014.

All information concerning the conference, deadlines for the Call for Papers etc. are to be found here:

Please forward the link and information on this conference also to anyone not (or not yet) affiliated with the Langscape Network.

PLEASE NOTE: We are planning a Langscape- as well as a BoD-Meeting alongside the conference, so coming to Brussels in autumn will be rewarding in more than one way…

A precise date will be negotiated in due time.

Kindest regards,




Call for Applications “Humboldt Post-Doc Fellowships”

Dear Langscape members,

I´d like to forward information on an interesting opportunity for support of postdoctoral researchers and projects to you:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin currently offers support and funding of Post-Doc Fellowships for outstanding (young) researchers from Germany (outside HU) and abroad. In general, projects from all disciplines are welcome and are merely asked to be compatible with the HU research portfolio. The funding scheme allows for various networking opportunities.

We´d like to direct this offer especially at researchers whose research and projects are closely connected to the Langscape network.

If you can think of possible candidates you would like to propose, please contact Stephan Breidbach or Lutz Küster as Langscape Co-ordinators accordingly.

You find more detailed information on the funding profile as well as requirements and deadlines for application etc. here:

Kind regards,

Claudia Schmidt


Doctoral Support and Networking announcements

Dear Langscape members,

I´m forwarding the following information on behalf of José Aguilar of the Board of Directors (section Doctoral Support and Networking) to your kind notice and survey. Please note: some of the events have deadlines very early in January 2014.


1. concerning all Langscape members – especially their supervised PhD candidates:–234286.kjsp

(submission deadline: 14th January 2014)

2. concerning the Langscape network:

Many thanks for consideration and a pleasant end of the year for all.
Kind regards,
Claudia Schmidt

COMING SOON: AILA-ReN and Langscape Symposium in Berlin, 13 December, 2013

Dear Langscape members,

please note: the AILA-ReN “Sociocultural Theory & Emergentism“ and Langscape Symposium “Interactions of Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism in SLA and Language Education Studies – Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Concerns”

jointly held in Berlin next week, now has an official website accessible via:

You will find information on the programme and other organizational issues published here.

If you have not registered or confirmed attendance yet or in case of problems of any sort do – as usual – not hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to meeting all of you who will attend the conference in Berlin.

Kind regards,

Claudia Schmidt