Archive for category Research & Network Consultants

The ENROPE project

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,

To all of you who have not heard the good tidings yet: ENROPE, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project originating in and spreading the spirit of LANGSCAPE, has been granted by the European Union. It was successfully launched in September and will run until August 2021. The project consortium consists of nine partners from six European countries (see below) with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin acting as lead partner and many other LANGCAPE members being actively involved.

ENROPE stands for “European Network for Junior Researchers in the Field of Plurilingualism and Education” and aims at providing qualification and networking structures for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the above-mentioned field. It encourages researchers as well as educators in foreign language education to develop more plurilingual mind-sets and practices. As part of its aim to foster strong and reflected professional identities, ENROPE will create an Intensive Study Programme (ISP) providing junior researchers with opportunities for transborder collaboration and professional qualification. The ISP will consist of three annual training weeks, linked and enhanced through regular online training phases. A versatile Online Platform will be the central hub of the wide and diverse network that ENROPE is going to establish. The platform will offer spaces and tools for international and field-specific collaboration, e.g. an E-Portfolio as a means to engage in meaningful professional self-reflection. A Qualification Handbook will allow for wide adaption and dissemination of the project’s key concepts, products and training activities.

ENROPE’s kick-off meeting, held in Frankfurt (Main) 10th/11th September, proved to be a lively and promising opportunity to exchange ideas on plurilingualism and education and to advance the various project activities.

Thanks to all LANGSCAPE members who directly and indirectly helped to make ENROPE possible! Please continue to support the project by spreading the word, especially to junior researchers in your individual contexts.

Kind regards,

Katrin Schultze


Upcoming ENROPE Events:

21./22.03.2019 Transnational Project Meeting # 2 University of Exeter (official partners only)
17.6.-21.6.2019 Intensive Study Programme # 1 Humboldt University Berlin  
21./22.6.2019 Transnational Project Meeting # 3 Humboldt University Berlin (official partners only)


Consortium Members:

Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden

Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa

Tallinna Ülikool

University of Exeter

Universitat Ramon Llull

Universität Siegen

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3


Further Information & Contact:

Project Coordinators at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach, Dr. Katrin Schultze, Regine Schlösser


 KA 203 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education – 2018-1-DE01-KA203-004253

Rappel – colloque RANACLES (Paris): 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2016

Chèr(e)s collègues,

Nous vous rappelons que 24ème Congrès RANACLES se tiendra les 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2016 à l’université Paris-Sorbonne, ESPE de Paris, et qu’il se donne pour objectif d’interroger la notion d’espace d’apprentissage et de recherche en langues à l’ère du numérique.
Nous sommes heureux de vous signaler que programme complet du congrès figure désormais sur le site du colloque:
D’autre part, nous vous signalons que les inscriptions sont ouvertes. Notez cependant que vous devez procéder à votre inscription avant le 30 septembre 2016 pour pouvoir bénéficier du tarif préférentiel.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver nombreux à cette occasion.

Cédric Brudermann
(pour le comité d’organisation)

Dear colleagues,
We are happy to remind you that Université Paris-Sorbonne’s Education Department (ESPE de Paris) will host the 24th RANACLES Conference on 24-26 November 2016. This international conference aims at questioning the notion of language learning and research spaces in the digital age.
We are delighted to inform you that the full conference programme is now available online on the conference website:
Please note that online registration is now open and that the early bird registration deadline is 30 September 2016.
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference.

Best regards,

Cédric Brudermann
(on behalf of the organising committee)

Conference anouncement

Dear Langscape members,

Here you are a conference anouncement that may be of interest to some of you.



Save the Date: IZBF Doctoral Summer School 2014 at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Dear Langscape members and friends,

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Research (IZBF) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin invites postgraduates and PhD-researchers to take part in the Doctoral Summer School 2014.

This year’s motto of the Summer School will be:

The methodology chapter in educational research –
issues in empirical and theory-driven research

The Summer School welcomes doctoral researchers from all fields of educational research. In 2014, there will be a special focus on research projects in language education. Working languages will be German and English.

The Summer School will take place on 11th and 12th September 2014 at the Campus Mitte of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

The overall aim of this year´s Summer School is to foreground important methodological issues in both empirical and theory-driven research. Guiding questions will be:

  • What basic assumptions is a research question based on?

  • What are the contexts that give relevance to individual projects?

  • Which is the scope of the expected results of a research project?

  • How are the research topic and the applied methods linked?

  • Which perspectives are opened by individual research designs and which are excluded? What are the potentials and limitations of analytic-nomothetic and interpretive-reconstructive methods?

  • Which issues referring to ethical guidelines for research are to be accounted for?

These and other related questions will be discussed in workshops and counselling sessions conducted by various experts in the field of research methodology.

Details on the program, application & registration procedure and participation fees will be announced in May 2014. Members of the IZFB qualify for a reduced rate.

For further information, please refer to:

Alternatively, contact Jurik Stiller at the IZBF:

Organising Committee of the IZFB-Summer School 2014:

Anka Bergmann (Russian Language Education)

Stephan Breidbach (English Language Education)

Stefan Kipf (Latin/Greek Language Education)

Lutz Küster (French/Spanish Language Education)


(You can find this announcement as pdf file here.)


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

Call for Applications “Humboldt Post-Doc Fellowships”

Dear Langscape members,

I´d like to forward information on an interesting opportunity for support of postdoctoral researchers and projects to you:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin currently offers support and funding of Post-Doc Fellowships for outstanding (young) researchers from Germany (outside HU) and abroad. In general, projects from all disciplines are welcome and are merely asked to be compatible with the HU research portfolio. The funding scheme allows for various networking opportunities.

We´d like to direct this offer especially at researchers whose research and projects are closely connected to the Langscape network.

If you can think of possible candidates you would like to propose, please contact Stephan Breidbach or Lutz Küster as Langscape Co-ordinators accordingly.

You find more detailed information on the funding profile as well as requirements and deadlines for application etc. here:

Kind regards,

Claudia Schmidt


Doctoral Support and Networking announcements

Dear Langscape members,

I´m forwarding the following information on behalf of José Aguilar of the Board of Directors (section Doctoral Support and Networking) to your kind notice and survey. Please note: some of the events have deadlines very early in January 2014.


1. concerning all Langscape members – especially their supervised PhD candidates:–234286.kjsp

(submission deadline: 14th January 2014)

2. concerning the Langscape network:

Many thanks for consideration and a pleasant end of the year for all.
Kind regards,
Claudia Schmidt

COMING SOON: AILA-ReN and Langscape Symposium in Berlin, 13 December, 2013

Dear Langscape members,

please note: the AILA-ReN “Sociocultural Theory & Emergentism“ and Langscape Symposium “Interactions of Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism in SLA and Language Education Studies – Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Concerns”

jointly held in Berlin next week, now has an official website accessible via:

You will find information on the programme and other organizational issues published here.

If you have not registered or confirmed attendance yet or in case of problems of any sort do – as usual – not hesitate to contact me.

Looking forward to meeting all of you who will attend the conference in Berlin.

Kind regards,

Claudia Schmidt



Introducing new member in Langscape Coordination Team!

Dear Langscape members,

my name is Claudia Schmidt and I´d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as a new member of the Langscape Coordination Team.

I am a BA-student of English (major) and Latin (minor) at Humboldt University in Berlin, and in the future, I will strengthen the backbone of the Langscape Coordination by supporting the work of Lutz Küster and Stephan Breidbach. My main tasks will be to manage the Langscape Blog and facilitate communication between the Coordinators and the Board of Directors and R&N Consultants. I will also help with the coordination of conferences and meetings at Humboldt University on behalf of the Langscape Network.

The first opportunity to meet face-to-face will be on 13th and 14th December at Humboldt University for those of you who will attend the Symposium of AILA ReN and/or the meeting of Board of Directors.

Please forward any material, news or events you would like to have posted to the Langscape Blog to me, using the following e-mail address: I will be happy to take care of a speedy publication.

Hoping to be able to add my share to making Langscape a mutually fruitful network, I am much looking forward to working with you,

Best wishes for now,


Claudia_Schmidt_Langscape Coordination_Assistant