Langscape Blog

Save the date: one-day event on “Minority Languages” in London, 26 June 2015

Dear (spontaneous) LANGSCAPE members and friends,

on behalf of Itesh Sachdev, member of the LANGSCAPE Board of Directors (Research Projects), I would like to forward the call for participation in an one-day seminar on

Re-visiting the pedagogy of the languages of minority communities

organised by the Institute of World Languages at SOAS (University of London) and Mercator (Fryske Academy). The event takes place on Friday, 26th June, registration deadline is on 22nd June!

For detailed information on the programme and registration formalities, please refer to the announcement attached here.

Kindest regards,

Claudia Schmidt

8. June 2015 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

NEWS: Website Symposium “Sociocultural Approaches…” in Barcelona, 14 – 16 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

we are happy to announce that the website providing detailed information on the Symposium

“Sociocultural Approaches to Additional Language Learning/Teaching, Research and Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap between Practice and Theory”

co-organized by LANGSCAPE BoD-member Olga Esteve (Doctoral Support & Networking) and taking place in Barcelona between 14th and 16th October is now accessible. Please refer to:


Please keep in mind: as has been announced in earlier blog posts, there will also be the LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar and LANGSCAPE-BoD-and-members-Meeting (on the 13th October) as well as the AILA-Meeting (on the 16th October) surrounding the symposium.

[For older blog posts, please see:


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

Call for applications: guest lectureship at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

I´m happy to forward this call for applications on behalf of Daniela Elsner, member of the LANGSCAPE Teaching Projects Directorate. The programme International Campus at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt invites lecturers from abroad to offer courses at the Goethe-Universität between May 2015 and August 2016.

Please note: applications should be handed in until 26th April 2015.

For a detailed description of the programme as well as conditions and requirements please refer to the announcement here (in German) or contact Daniela Elsner (

Best regards,


Save the Date – Call for mini-abstracts for a discussion & research group at the upcoming DGFF conference „Teaching Languages” Ludwigsburg, 30 September – 3 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

This is a call for collaboration and ideas coming from Stephan Breidbach, Katrin Schultze, and Bettina Kaiser (Humboldt University Berlin).

We will need you and your ideas for the upcoming conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdspracenforschung (DGFF) on “Teaching Languages”.


We plan to initiate a discussion and research group to work on the topic of

“Teacher educators as professionals: Identities and professionalization in academic teacher training programmes”.

We will deal with the questions of

  • what constitutes the professional identity of academic language teacher educators (i.e. those who teach future teachers of foreign languages) and
  • how it affects the development of teacher identities in their students.


Our guiding questions presuppose that the professional identity of teacher educators has a major influence on how prospective teachers at the university level understand their future profession.

The group we hope to be able to initiate will work together for a research period of two years. It is our aim to present our findings at the next DGFF conference in 2017.

The purpose of this call is to collect ideas on this question in order to be able to organise an interesting, multi-layered discussion with some potential for further research. And – of course – we hope for your participation in the event itself.

All those interested, please send a mini-abstract (approx. 250 words) to (Bettina Kaiser) before 18 May 2015 briefly outlining your particular research interest in the question of professionalization of foreign language teacher educators.


Best regards from Berlin

Katrin, Bettina & Stephan

24. March 2015 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

Save the Date + Call for Papers: Conference on Plurilingualism, pluriculturalism and English in globalization, Angers 7-10 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

please save the date for another highly interesting conference on

“Plurilingualism, pluriculturalism and English in globalization: devices, practices and issues in the internationalization of European higher education”.

The International Congress organized by the Western Catholic University Angers (F) and the University of Nantes (F) will take place at Western Catholic University at Angers between 7th and 10th October.

For more detailed information, please refer to the bilingual paper on the congress (including a call for papers) and do not hesitate to contact us or Christiane Fäcke, member of the LANGSCAPE Publication Policy directorate, who is co-organizing this conference.

Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

(LANGSCAPE Coordination Team)


Call for Papers: Symposium + LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar – Barcelona, 13-16 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

we are pleased to be able to provide you today with some details concerning the Symposium and LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar in Barcelona in October this year along with the according proposal forms:

1. The Symposium

“Sociocultural Approaches to Additional Language Learning/Teaching Research and Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap between Practice and Theory”

taking place between 14th and 16th October. Please follow these links for a detailed description of the Symposium and the form to be filled in and sent back to the organizers if you wish to propose a contribution.


2. The LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar

“Research on multilingualism in the language classroom”

which will be held prior to the Symposium on 13th October. Please find here a short description and the proposal form to be sent back as well to the coordinators named.

For any problems and questions concerning the events in Barcelona, please contact the organizers/coordinators introduced in the documents.

Looking forward to meeting you there.

Best regards from Berlin,

Claudia Schmidt (on behalf of the LANGSCAPE Coordination Team)


News from the Publication Policy Directorate – call for contributions to book series

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

we hope you’re all fine and we send you our best wishes for the New Year.

In the last LANGSCAPE meeting in Brussels it was decided to pursue the project of a printed book series. Moreover, it was considered important to have 3 titles ready to be able to contact a publisher who might be interested. The BoD suggested that the first volume for the series could be based on selected papers from the Brussels Conference “SOCIOCULTURAL COMPETENCE & LANGUAGE LEARNING IN MULTILINGUAL SETTINGS” (2014). Katja, could you please give us further information about that? We also know that Jean-Paul and Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes are offering to publish a monography in this series about their current research.

As we would like to proceed with this project, we’re contacting you today in order to find out whether you’re also planning to publish a volume in this series. If so, could you please contact us with details about a potential publication project?

Thanks for your help and all the best,
Christiane Fäcke (
Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes (

21. January 2015 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

Save the Date: LANGSCAPE + Symposium + AILA in Barcelona, 13 – 16 October, 2015

Dear Langscape members,

We are very pleased to be able to send our best wishes for a happy New Year in conjunction with the announcement of the next general Langscape-Meeting (functioning as a BoD – meeting) at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on the 13th October, 2015.

We are very grateful to Olga Esteve and her team, who will host this meeting and the succession of other Langscape-related events in the same week. The Langscape/BoD-Meeting will be in a sandwich-position between an opening Doctoral Seminar and a three-day Symposium of the AILA ReN “Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism”. You are all very warmly invited to participate in each of these events.

Below, you find a tentative schedule for you to be able to save the date(s).

• Langscape Doctoral Seminar: ‘Research on multilingualism in educational settings’                    October 13th, 2015 (9 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.)

 • Langscape & BoD-Meeting (open to all Langscape members)                                                    October 13th, 2015 (afternoon, est. 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.)

Symposium: Sociocultural approaches to additional language learning/teaching research and teacher education:  bridging the gap between practice and theory, University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)         October 14th -16th, 2015

AILA ReN-Meeting                                                                                                                                  October 16th, 2015 (4 p.m. – 6 p.m.)

A more detailled programme for the whole week, a Call for Papers for the ReN-Symposium and details for the Doctoral Seminar will be coming soon.

We hope to see you in Barcelona in October.
Best wishes from Berlin for now,
Stephan, Lutz and Claudia

Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten – Feliz Navidad – Joyeux Noel

Dear Langscape members, friends and colleagues,

The coordinating team wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Please feel invited to share a topical photo with with all of us for a little local X-Mas colour in our blog site.

Seasons greetings,

Stephan, Lutz & Claudia


Berlin Cathedral and Televisoin Tower Dec. 2014

23. December 2014 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »

Conference anouncement

Dear Langscape members,

Here you are a conference anouncement that may be of interest to some of you.

