EU-project: “playingCLIL” (Humboldt-University)

Dear colleagues at Langscape,

I would like to draw your attention to a EU-project in which the Humboldt-University (Dpt. EFL-Methodology) acts as one of six internatinal partners. I would also like to invite you to participate in the final conference in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Spain) from Nov. 30 – Dec. 1st 2015. You find all relevant information below.

The project titled “playingCLIL” is supported by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme – KA 2 Languages (2014-15). The project consortium consists of six partners from four countries (Germany, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom) working in a variety of educational contexts (formal and informal education and higher education).

The project aims at developing a teaching method for Content-and-Language-Integrated Learning (CLIL) which is based on the principles of drama pedagogy using drama games as default settings for classroom activities.
The project targets CLIL teacher and teacher educators at universities and teacher training colleges alike.
PlayingCLIL games are currently being tested by collaborating teachers in primary, secondary, vocational and adult education. A comprehensive collection of tested games will be available as a comprehensive handbook (print and an e-book version) in early December 2015.

The playingCLIL project team invite the CLIL research and teaching community to attend the “European playingCLIL Conference – Method – Practice – Perspecitves” hosted by the Universitad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from Nov. 30th to Dec. 1st, 2015. The conference will be dedicated not only to the release of the handbook but first and foremost to a general and practical introduction to playingCLIL, voices from the classroom, and discussions by educators and CLIL experts on future perspectives of CLIL in Europe.

Please forward this information to other colleagues interested in the topic.

Contact: Stephan Breidbach

CLIL_flyer_finalconf booklet-pCLIL-es_web booklet-pCLIL-en_web booklet-pCLIL-de_web

24. September 2015 | Posted by
Posted in Allgemein

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