‘The Power of Language, The Language of Power’, seminar by John Edwards + wine reception, 17.05.2016, 1-2pm, Aberystwyth University

Dear Langscape members,
Please find below the following announcement brought to our attention by Gaby Meier.
Kind regards

‘The Power of Language, The Language of Power’

Seminar by John Edwards and wine reception, 17.05.2016, 1-2pm, Aberystwyth University

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s exciting announcement about the one-day conference in Bangor (https://goo.gl/PEJPW0), here’s an earlier talk also with Prof. John Edwards (editor of the Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development), on 17th May, this time in Aberystwyth.

Please register here: https://thepoweroflanguage.eventbrite.co.uk. The abstract and other info are there too. (Note: Eventbrite will pester you to print and bring your ticket but that’s not necessary; it’s just to help gauge numbers for catering etc.)

The seminar runs 1-2pm, so it’ll be easier to travel to and from the event the same day. There will be a wine & nibbles reception afterwards, so you might like to plan for the 15:30 train out of Aberystwyth (which gets to e.g. Birmingham by 6.30pm, or changing to e.g. Manchester by 7pm, or London or Cardiff by 8pm). For info here’s a map showing the route from the venue to the train station at that time:

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Rhys Jones (raj[at]aber.ac.uk) or Sarah Creed (CreedS[at]cardiff.ac.uk).

8. April 2016 | Posted by
Posted in Allgemein

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