The ENROPE project

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,

To all of you who have not heard the good tidings yet: ENROPE, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project originating in and spreading the spirit of LANGSCAPE, has been granted by the European Union. It was successfully launched in September and will run until August 2021. The project consortium consists of nine partners from six European countries (see below) with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin acting as lead partner and many other LANGCAPE members being actively involved.

ENROPE stands for “European Network for Junior Researchers in the Field of Plurilingualism and Education” and aims at providing qualification and networking structures for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the above-mentioned field. It encourages researchers as well as educators in foreign language education to develop more plurilingual mind-sets and practices. As part of its aim to foster strong and reflected professional identities, ENROPE will create an Intensive Study Programme (ISP) providing junior researchers with opportunities for transborder collaboration and professional qualification. The ISP will consist of three annual training weeks, linked and enhanced through regular online training phases. A versatile Online Platform will be the central hub of the wide and diverse network that ENROPE is going to establish. The platform will offer spaces and tools for international and field-specific collaboration, e.g. an E-Portfolio as a means to engage in meaningful professional self-reflection. A Qualification Handbook will allow for wide adaption and dissemination of the project’s key concepts, products and training activities.

ENROPE’s kick-off meeting, held in Frankfurt (Main) 10th/11th September, proved to be a lively and promising opportunity to exchange ideas on plurilingualism and education and to advance the various project activities.

Thanks to all LANGSCAPE members who directly and indirectly helped to make ENROPE possible! Please continue to support the project by spreading the word, especially to junior researchers in your individual contexts.

Kind regards,

Katrin Schultze


Upcoming ENROPE Events:

21./22.03.2019 Transnational Project Meeting # 2 University of Exeter (official partners only)
17.6.-21.6.2019 Intensive Study Programme # 1 Humboldt University Berlin  
21./22.6.2019 Transnational Project Meeting # 3 Humboldt University Berlin (official partners only)


Consortium Members:

Fryske Akademy Leeuwarden

Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa

Tallinna Ülikool

University of Exeter

Universitat Ramon Llull

Universität Siegen

Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3


Further Information & Contact:

Project Coordinators at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach, Dr. Katrin Schultze, Regine Schlösser


 KA 203 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education – 2018-1-DE01-KA203-004253

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