Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Prof. Nadia Ben Elazmia from the University Moulay Ismail in Meknès, Marocco, has sent an announcement of an interdisciplinary colloquium on “La désuétude au carrefour des savoirs : De la langue à la culture” to the LANGSCAPE office. Of course, we gladly share it with you.
The colloquium will take place from 29th to 30th October 2020 and will focus on the processes leading to the disuse of words, expressions, and cultural pracitices rendering them obsolete in definite linguistic groups. Researchers from various disciplines are welcome to examine these phenomena along three strands: A) lexical, B) cultural and C) formal. Strand B (Axe culturelle) has as one of its potential focal areas the discontinuation of educational pracites and teaching methods (“la désuétude des méthodes pédagogiques et de l’enseignement”).
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30th April 2020.

For more information, please download or view the information sheet in French language via the link below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller