Archive for category Allgemein

EU-project ‘playingCLIL’ completed with Langscape participation – E-handbook available for download

Dear friends and colleagues in Langscape,

In the last two years, Langscape members Stephan Breidbach and José Medina were involved in a EU-funded project focusing on bringing together methods and activities from Drama Pedagogy and Content and Language Integrated Learning: playingCLIL.


The main product of this project is now available online: a substantial e-book compilation of annotated interactive games ready for use in content matter classes taught through a foreign language.

Whilst the full version of the handbook is available in English, executive summaries of the handbook also exist in three further languages for easy dissemination: German, Romanian, and Spanish. Click here to access the project website and have all the materials at your fingertips completely free of charge!


We have also developed

  • a one-week training course for CLIL teachers (in-service),
  • an introductory workshop to playingCLIL for a week-end, and, last but not least,
  • a 90-minute quick-starter seminar.


All three formats are available on demand.

You can also follow the project on Facebook – if you like it, like it! For queries and enquiries contact:

Stephan Breidbach & José Medina

10. February 2016 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein, Publications

Announcement: DILTEC Colloque international – October 21 and 22, 2016

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

please, find attached the announcement of the next DILTEC event:

DILTEC colloque international

“Ethique et responsabilité pour la didactique des langues au XXIe siècle”

October 21 and 22, 2016

Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Paris

Ethique 1er appel colloque diltec 2016 final avec bonne adresse

Kind regards

Bettina Kaiser

3. February 2016 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

LANGSCAPE Meeting and Doctoral Seminar Barcelona: Agenda and Details

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

the next LANGSCAPE meeting as well as the LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar will be taking place in Barcelona in a few days. Please, find below the details of the two events.

LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar

Date:            13th Oct. 2015

Time:            9.30-13.00 pm

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació-Poblenou, room 52.217

Link to location:

Further information: seminario-doctoral

Attachment below: Agenda and Abstracts of the doctoral seminar


LANGSCAPE Meeting: Board of Directors and Members

Date:            13th Oct. 2015

Time:            4.00-8.00 pm

Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació-Poblenou, room 52.415

Link to location:

Attachment below: Agenda of the meeting

As a final step in our preparations, could you please send nominations of prospective members to Langscape by the 9th of February. “Nomination” here is meant to refer to people who might be interested in LANGSCAPE and whom we should extend an invitation to.

Thank you very much for your input. I am looking forward to meeting you all in Barcelona very soon.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.

With kind regards from Berlin,

Bettina Kaiser

20151006_Barcelona_Langscape Meeting Agenda


6. October 2015 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

EU-project: “playingCLIL” (Humboldt-University)

Dear colleagues at Langscape,

I would like to draw your attention to a EU-project in which the Humboldt-University (Dpt. EFL-Methodology) acts as one of six internatinal partners. I would also like to invite you to participate in the final conference in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Spain) from Nov. 30 – Dec. 1st 2015. You find all relevant information below.

The project titled “playingCLIL” is supported by the European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme – KA 2 Languages (2014-15). The project consortium consists of six partners from four countries (Germany, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom) working in a variety of educational contexts (formal and informal education and higher education).

The project aims at developing a teaching method for Content-and-Language-Integrated Learning (CLIL) which is based on the principles of drama pedagogy using drama games as default settings for classroom activities.
The project targets CLIL teacher and teacher educators at universities and teacher training colleges alike.
PlayingCLIL games are currently being tested by collaborating teachers in primary, secondary, vocational and adult education. A comprehensive collection of tested games will be available as a comprehensive handbook (print and an e-book version) in early December 2015.

The playingCLIL project team invite the CLIL research and teaching community to attend the “European playingCLIL Conference – Method – Practice – Perspecitves” hosted by the Universitad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria from Nov. 30th to Dec. 1st, 2015. The conference will be dedicated not only to the release of the handbook but first and foremost to a general and practical introduction to playingCLIL, voices from the classroom, and discussions by educators and CLIL experts on future perspectives of CLIL in Europe.

Please forward this information to other colleagues interested in the topic.

Contact: Stephan Breidbach

CLIL_flyer_finalconf booklet-pCLIL-es_web booklet-pCLIL-en_web booklet-pCLIL-de_web

Call for Papers: Multilingual Language Learning with Digital Media in Primary and Secondary Classrooms

Multilingual CALL: Multilingual Language Learning with Digital Media in Primary and Secondary Classrooms
Frankfurt, February 17-18, 2016

Learners of a second or foreign language are not homogeneous with regard to their linguistic backgrounds and their degree of fluency in different languages. Students often have skills in more than one language, including languages previously studied at school, as well as heritage and minority languages. These skills can range from basic conversational skills to fully developed cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). Teachers are expected to diagnose the different needs of all pupils and cater for them in the mainstream classroom. CALL – computer assisted language learning – can potentially contribute to this.

Online interactions that bring together speakers of different languages, for example telecollaboration and virtual tandems, can add depth and complexity to a language learning setting. Who speaks which language to whom and when? Why? Is code-switching permissible? Many decisions regarding language choice are made by teachers and learners alike, but which “language choice designs”, which “language choice strategies” are most beneficial for learners?

Despite these relevant questions, very little research has been conducted on multilingual CALL. Usually, issues of multilingual language practices in CALL are mentioned only in passing, often based on the assumption that they constitute a problem that needs to be addressed. Sometimes, unspoken assumptions about a monolingual ideal in language instruction (cf Gogolin 1994, Butzkamm 1973) permeate CALL designs – but these assumptions are rarely empirically tested or theoretically challenged

This conference aims to increase the awareness of the existence and functions of multilingual materials and multilingual language use in CALL contexts. Furthermore, it will contribute to a critical assessment on widespread assumptions regarding monolingual/multilingual practices in CALL.


Further information and registration: Multilingual-CALL-2015

Please, find attached the call for contributions.

CfP_MultilingualCALL_EN CfP_MultilingualCALL_DE

CALL FOR PAPERS International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: Special Issue 2017

There is an open call for papers out for contributions to a special-topic edition of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. We forward this to you in case you are interested.




International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: Special Issue 2017


As guest editors of a Special Issue of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, we invite you to submit proposals on the following topic:


Instructional practices and teacher development in content and language integrated learning (CLIL)


The aim of this Journal is to be thoroughly international in nature. It disseminates high-quality research, theoretical advances, and international developments related to initiatives in bilingualism and bilingual education. Each year the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism devotes two of its issues to Special Issues. Previous Special Issues have tended to receive remarkable praise, particularly as they focus on one issue and often provide a major step forward in the study of a particular topic,

This Special Issue on CLIL seeks:

  • To promote theoretical and applied research conducted in the context of CLIL and other content-based programs such as immersion.
  • To disseminate information about best practices in content-based instruction.
  • To provide a truly international exchange on how CLIL pedagogy is applied in a wide range of educational settings.


Authors are invited to submit proposals focusing on instructional practices and teacher development in CLIL at any educational level and in any educational setting. Both state-of-the-art articles and empirical studies are welcomed. Manuscripts submitted should be original, not under review by any other publication and not published elsewhere.


Important dates:


– Deadline for 200-250 word abstracts: 15th September 2015. Proposals should be submitted by email attachment to the co-editors at and

They should contain the author’s name, affiliation and e-mail address.

– Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1st November 2015. Please note that selection of the proposal does not always guarantee publication.

– Deadline for full papers (no longer than 7,000 words including notes and references): 15th February 2016.  Each article will receive two independent and anonymous reviews.

For further information on the journal’s submission guidelines please visit.


With best wishes,


Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe and Roy Lyster

23. July 2015 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

Save the date: one-day event on “Minority Languages” in London, 26 June 2015

Dear (spontaneous) LANGSCAPE members and friends,

on behalf of Itesh Sachdev, member of the LANGSCAPE Board of Directors (Research Projects), I would like to forward the call for participation in an one-day seminar on

Re-visiting the pedagogy of the languages of minority communities

organised by the Institute of World Languages at SOAS (University of London) and Mercator (Fryske Academy). The event takes place on Friday, 26th June, registration deadline is on 22nd June!

For detailed information on the programme and registration formalities, please refer to the announcement attached here.

Kindest regards,

Claudia Schmidt

8. June 2015 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

NEWS: Website Symposium “Sociocultural Approaches…” in Barcelona, 14 – 16 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

we are happy to announce that the website providing detailed information on the Symposium

“Sociocultural Approaches to Additional Language Learning/Teaching, Research and Teacher Education: Bridging the Gap between Practice and Theory”

co-organized by LANGSCAPE BoD-member Olga Esteve (Doctoral Support & Networking) and taking place in Barcelona between 14th and 16th October is now accessible. Please refer to:


Please keep in mind: as has been announced in earlier blog posts, there will also be the LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar and LANGSCAPE-BoD-and-members-Meeting (on the 13th October) as well as the AILA-Meeting (on the 16th October) surrounding the symposium.

[For older blog posts, please see:


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

Call for applications: guest lectureship at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

I´m happy to forward this call for applications on behalf of Daniela Elsner, member of the LANGSCAPE Teaching Projects Directorate. The programme International Campus at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt invites lecturers from abroad to offer courses at the Goethe-Universität between May 2015 and August 2016.

Please note: applications should be handed in until 26th April 2015.

For a detailed description of the programme as well as conditions and requirements please refer to the announcement here (in German) or contact Daniela Elsner (

Best regards,


Save the Date – Call for mini-abstracts for a discussion & research group at the upcoming DGFF conference „Teaching Languages” Ludwigsburg, 30 September – 3 October 2015

Dear LANGSCAPE members and friends,

This is a call for collaboration and ideas coming from Stephan Breidbach, Katrin Schultze, and Bettina Kaiser (Humboldt University Berlin).

We will need you and your ideas for the upcoming conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdspracenforschung (DGFF) on “Teaching Languages”.


We plan to initiate a discussion and research group to work on the topic of

“Teacher educators as professionals: Identities and professionalization in academic teacher training programmes”.

We will deal with the questions of

  • what constitutes the professional identity of academic language teacher educators (i.e. those who teach future teachers of foreign languages) and
  • how it affects the development of teacher identities in their students.


Our guiding questions presuppose that the professional identity of teacher educators has a major influence on how prospective teachers at the university level understand their future profession.

The group we hope to be able to initiate will work together for a research period of two years. It is our aim to present our findings at the next DGFF conference in 2017.

The purpose of this call is to collect ideas on this question in order to be able to organise an interesting, multi-layered discussion with some potential for further research. And – of course – we hope for your participation in the event itself.

All those interested, please send a mini-abstract (approx. 250 words) to (Bettina Kaiser) before 18 May 2015 briefly outlining your particular research interest in the question of professionalization of foreign language teacher educators.


Best regards from Berlin

Katrin, Bettina & Stephan

24. March 2015 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein