Langscape Blog

Save the Date: LANGSCAPE + Symposium + AILA in Barcelona, 13 – 16 October, 2015

Dear Langscape members,

We are very pleased to be able to send our best wishes for a happy New Year in conjunction with the announcement of the next general Langscape-Meeting (functioning as a BoD – meeting) at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona on the 13th October, 2015.

We are very grateful to Olga Esteve and her team, who will host this meeting and the succession of other Langscape-related events in the same week. The Langscape/BoD-Meeting will be in a sandwich-position between an opening Doctoral Seminar and a three-day Symposium of the AILA ReN “Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism”. You are all very warmly invited to participate in each of these events.

Below, you find a tentative schedule for you to be able to save the date(s).

• Langscape Doctoral Seminar: ‘Research on multilingualism in educational settings’                    October 13th, 2015 (9 a.m. – 1.30 p.m.)

 • Langscape & BoD-Meeting (open to all Langscape members)                                                    October 13th, 2015 (afternoon, est. 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.)

Symposium: Sociocultural approaches to additional language learning/teaching research and teacher education:  bridging the gap between practice and theory, University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)         October 14th -16th, 2015

AILA ReN-Meeting                                                                                                                                  October 16th, 2015 (4 p.m. – 6 p.m.)

A more detailled programme for the whole week, a Call for Papers for the ReN-Symposium and details for the Doctoral Seminar will be coming soon.

We hope to see you in Barcelona in October.
Best wishes from Berlin for now,
Stephan, Lutz and Claudia

Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten – Feliz Navidad – Joyeux Noel

Dear Langscape members, friends and colleagues,

The coordinating team wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Please feel invited to share a topical photo with with all of us for a little local X-Mas colour in our blog site.

Seasons greetings,

Stephan, Lutz & Claudia


Berlin Cathedral and Televisoin Tower Dec. 2014

23. December 2014 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »

Conference anouncement

Dear Langscape members,

Here you are a conference anouncement that may be of interest to some of you.



“Chaos et systèmes dynamiques”

Dear colleagues,

Since some of us are interested in emergentism, here you are an interesting French radio podcast on dynamic systems. Hope you may find it useful!

11. October 2014 | Posted by Jose Aguilar | 1 comment »
Posted in Allgemein

Fresh off the press + discount order option: The Multilingual Turn in Languages Education

Edited by Jean Conteh (University of Leeds) and Gabriela Meier (Univeristy of Exeter) – who is also a member of Langscape – this volume has really just been published:

The Multilingual Turn in Languages Education. Opportunities and Challenges, Multilingual Matters (Sept. 2014).

For more detailed information on the book and to purchase via Discount Order Form (Order for £15 instead of £34.95), please refer to here.

Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt


Save the date: Workshop “New Challenges for Field Research in Applied Linguistics”, September 15-18, University of Luxembourg

Dear Langscape members and friends,

I´d like to forward the invitation for this very interesting 4-days workshop in Luxembourg:

New Challenges for Field Research in Applied Linguistics

University of Luxembourg – University of the Greater Region

Workshop for Students from MA and Doctoral Programs

September 15th-18th 2014, Walferdange

Prof. Dr. Peter Mühlhäusler, University of Adelaide

on behalf of Prof. Dr. Sabine Ehrhart, who organizes the workshop and is also member of the LANGSCAPE Board of Directors.

Please save the date and forward the information to your students and colleagues accordingly.

For details on the programme, registration and contact dates, please refer to here.


Have a great summer!

Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt






29. July 2014 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

REMINDER: IZBF Summer School in Berlin

Dear Langscape members and friends,

I´d like to remind you once more of the IZBF Doctoral Summer School which will take place soon at HU Berlin:

“The methodology chapter in doctoral (and MA) research – quite essential, but also self-evident?
Focus: language teaching & learning”


The programme (pdf) can now be found on the Summer School website, which is being updated regularly.


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt

16. July 2014 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

NEWS: Book publication & Summer School in Oslo

Dear Langscape members and friends,

I´d like to forward the following interesting links on behalf of Jose I. Aguilar Río, member of the BoD – Doctoral Support and Networking:

1. Summer School in Oslo (Norway) in early September, title: “Different approaches to multilingualism” (social, cognitive, and psychological)”

For more, please refer to here.

2. The book “Young Children as Intercultural Mediators” by Zhiyan Guo has just been published.

For more, please refer to here.


Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt







Publication: The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL

Please pay attention to this issue, which has been published subsequent to the “Conference CALPIU`12”:

The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, edited by Andrzej Cirocki (Volume 2 Number 1, 2013).

LANGSCAPE members who have participated in the conference in the panel “The re-construction of professional identities of prospective EFL-teachers from different European and non-European countries” also have contributed to this issues (see below). The conference was held in Roskilde (DK) in April 2012 under the overall topic: “Higher education across borders: Transcultural interaction and linguistic diversity”.

Here is an abstract of the Conference Theme (taken from the conference website):

The aim of CALPIU’12 is to discuss various aspects of the consequences of transnational student mobility.

Student mobility makes necessary both cultural and linguistic accommodation and learning processes. We are witnessing a huge increase in the learning of languages to be used as lingua francas by academic teachers and students, not least English, ‘the language of globalization’.

However, forces of ‘localization’, too, are manifest at every university trying to adopt internationalization strategies, the tension between the global and the local – uniformity and diversification – creating a multidimensional space for new kinds of cultural and linguistic hybridity to flourish.

There is a new open-mindedness regarding the roles and identities of self and others, leading to new patterns of linguistic/interactive, educational and social practices. We aim to further the theoretical understanding of these processes, those of active and receptive multilingualism as well as language alternation in interaction.

Here is an abstract taken from the issue´s cover:

Volume 2 Number 1 comprises ten articles presenting the latest research and
scholarship from Singapore, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, the
United Kingdom, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, France, China and the USA.
This provides a valuable source of reference for applied linguists, teacher
trainers, materials developers and practitioners in the field of EFL/ESL. It offers
readers a deeper insight into current issues, thereby broadening their
knowledge and promoting professional development.

Authors associated with LANGSCAPE that have contributed to this issue: Özlem Etuş, Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer & José I. Aguilar Río, Alice Chik, Katrin Schultze and Stephan Breidbach (as topic editor).

You can find the detailed list of contents and authors in this pdf.

For more information, please refer to the Journal website.


Reminder: IZBF Doctoral Summer School 2014

Dear Langscape members and friends,

I´d like to remind you of the IZBF Doctoral Summer School which will take place soon at HU Berlin (see blogpost at The title has now been specified.

The Summer School will focus on:

The methodology chapter in doctoral (and MA) research – quite essential, but also self-evident?
Focus: language teaching & learning


A detailed description and program will be available in due time. For further information, please refer to: (at the moment, this website has a German version only).

For any problems, questions etc. do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Claudia Schmidt