The online international conference on The Value of Languages in a Multicultural World is organised by the Multilingualism Research Centre at Macquarie University will take place from 13-15 December 2021. This is a quick reminder that the deadline for abstract submission is August 27.
For details, please see the attached Call for papers, and the Multilingual Sydney website –
You are most welcome to circulate the Call for papers to your academic friends and networks, or post it on Facebook and Twitter.
The editors of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal invite proposals for contributions to Volume 5 of the journal scheduled to be published in 2022. The special topic volume will address Multilingualism in virtual communication and encounters. New approaches to educational contexts.
Please refer to the Call for Proposal (available in English, French, German, and Spanish) for details.
Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent by September 15, 2021. Please send to and
The III Langscape Symposium “Dynamiken von Mehrsprachigkeit im digitalen öffentlichen Raum –
Dynamics of multilingualism in the digital public space” will take place online from May 27 – 29, 2021 at the University of Siegen.
Please find the conference programme here:
and register here:
2ème appel à contributions
LIDIL numéro 66
“Le paramètre temporel dans le développement langagier : implications didactiques et pédagogiques”
Ce numéro entend recueillir des contributions prenant appui sur des données de terrain et débouchant sur des implications didactiques et pédagogiques concrètes à des fins d’enseignement et d’apprentissage des langues. Les auteur.e.s sont particulièrement encouragé.e.s à faire des recommandations d’ordre praxéologique sur des aspects didactiques (choix de contenus, organisation, déconstruction, présentation) ou pédagogiques (pratiques de médiation, attention aux dimensions intra- et inter-personnelles, ainsi qu’aux caractéristiques individuelles). De même, l’intérêt que nous prêtons au paramètre temporel nous incite à nous projeter dans l’avenir et à nous interroger quant à des pistes de travail ou des éléments tangibles à envisager pour structurer une feuille de route pour la didactique des langues et des cultures du futur.
Dates importantes :
05 juin 2021 : dernier délai pour la réception des propositions (3 pages).
15 juillet 2021 : notification d’acceptation ou de refus des propositions.
15 décembre 2021 : date limite d’envoi des articles par les auteurs.
Décembre 2022 : parution du numéro
2nd call for papers
LIDIL no. 66
“Time and language development: pedagogical and practical considerations”
This issue intends to collect contributions based on field data and leading to concrete practical and pedagogical implications as regards additional language teaching and learning and language development. Authors are particularly encouraged to make praxeological recommendations on practical (choice of content topics, organisation, deconstruction, presentation) and pedagogical aspects (mediation practices, attention to intra/ inter-personal dimensions and to individual differences). Likewise, we also encourage prospective authors to suggest areas of future research and to address research openings which could help structure a roadmap for the coming years and highlight what language learning and teaching could look like in the future.
Key dates:
Deadline for submissions of abstracts (3 pages): 5th June 2021
Notification of acceptance or rejection of submissions: 15th July 2021
Deadline for submission of full articles: 15th December 2021
Anticipated date of publication: December 2022
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
As you will probably have guessed from the title of this message, this will be my last post on this blog as assistant to the LANGSCAPE coordination, since I will leave my position at the end of the month. It has been an interesting and inspiring experience to work for LANGSCAPE. Thank you for all the motivating conversations, your insightful perspectives, and the opportunities to flourish!
With kind regards, and my very best wishes,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
For the fourth volume of our network’s very own peer-reviewed online journal “Language Education and Multilingualism” the tireless editors, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, are looking for your contributions. The upcoming fourth volume will focus on:
Pluri- / multilingualism in language teachers’ pre-service studies and training.
Your proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages are expected by September 1, 2020.
For further details in English, Spanish, French, or German, please refer to the document embedded below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
This is a brief reminder that the ENROPE Project is still looking for participants for its Intensive Study Week #2 (ISW#2) in Paris from 29th June to 3rd July 2020. The deadline for applications is 6th March 2020.
Please pass this information on to postgraduate, early career and established researchers who study bi/multilingualism in educational contexts or related topics, or educational researchers whose work involves more than one language and/or multilingual data.
The focus of the ISW#2 will be on how languages influence parts of the research reports or theses (co-working, discuss your own work, develop professional competencies). For more information, please visit the ISW2 info and application form or see the information sheet embedded via the download button above. There are bursaries for students from partner universities.
ENROPE is an Erasmus+ project building a European Network for Junior Researchers in the Field of Plurilingualism and Education (2018-2021). As its centrepiece, it offers an Intensive Study Programme consisting of annual Intensive Study Weeks and interlinking Online Study Phases.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Gabriela Meier has shared a Call for Participation for two linked, but separate study opportuinities with the LANGSCAPE office. We are especially glad to forward it to all of you, as it regards the ENROPE project.
ENROPE launched two exciting calls:
- Online Study Phase (OSP#2): 3 March to 30 April 2020 (register by 3 March 2020)
OSP#2 Focus: Networking and Collaboration (identify networks and research challenges, discussion with peers and experts, develop ideas for collaboration). Go to OSP#2 info and registration. Participation is free of charge.
- Intensive Study Week (ISW#2) in Paris: 29 June to 3 July 2020 (application by 6 March 2020)
ISW#2 Focus: How languages influence parts of the research reports or theses (co-working, discuss your own work, develop professional competencies). Go to ISW2 info and application form. There are bursaries for students from partner universities.
ENROPE is an Erasmus+ project building a European Network for Junior Researchers in the Field of Plurilingualism and Education (2018-2021). As its centrepiece, it offers an Intensive Study Programme consisting of annual Intensive Study Weeks and interlinking Online Study Phases.
Please display the posters (download via the buttons above) in your institution and disseminate this message widely through your networks.
Please pass this on to postgraduate, early career and established researchers who study bi/multilingualism in educational contexts or related topics, or educational researchers whose work involves more than one language and/or multilingual data.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Lately, Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer has kindly forwarded the Call for Papers for the international GLAT congress 2020 in Murica (Spain) to the LANGSCAPE office. Naturally, we are glad to share it with all of you!

The 13th GLAT 2020 congress is organized by and at the Faculty of Letters, University of Murcia. It will take place from May 6th to 8th. The focus of the congress is:
For more information about this very promising congress, on how to contribute and participate, please see the documents below:
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin calls for applications for an open position as “Juniorprofessorin/Juniorprofessor (W1, no tenure-track option) für Fachdidaktik Englisch”.
The call closes on February 13, 2020.
Employment will be full-time on a limited contract for 6 years (maximum and on condition of a successful evaluation after 3 years).
Teaching load: 2 courses per term (in the first 3 years of employment) and 3 courses per term (in the second three years).
Special requirements for employment apply, e.g. completed PhD, EFL teaching qualification, language teaching experience (school context or comparable), very good language proficiency in German and English).
For further details, refer to the university website or the downloadable pdf document:
W1-job advert in German
W1-job advert in English