Chères et chers collègues,
Dear Langscape members,
Itesh Sachdev has kindly forwarded the following call for works in progress by the International Association of Language and Social Psychology. Please, widely circulate the call to colleagues and postgraduate students. It seems a wonderful opportunity to share ideas. For further questions, please, contact Itesh Sachdev at i.sachdev[at]
Kind regards
Bettina Kaiser
15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology
**Now Accepting Works in Progress**
The International Association of Language and Social Psychology ( is now accepting Works in Progress to be presented and “workshopped” at the upcoming 15th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology (ICLASP) which will be held June 22-25th, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Deadline: 1st April, 2016
Works in Progress is a new category of submissions for ICLASP and will give presenters a unique opportunity to present a “work in progress” and engage in a small group discussion about the work among a group of distinguished and emerging international scholars including journal editors and reviewers. The goal is to provide presenters with specific feedback in order to move the research from a “work in progress” to a “work in press” (or similar outcome). The Works in Progress presentations are a natural extension to the supportive networking and mentoring opportunities that are already at the core of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology. We encourage Works in Progress submissions from first year graduate students to emeritus professors recognizing that all scholarship is enhanced when it is shaped by a larger social scientific community!
Send Works in Progress Submissions to: with “ICLASP works in progress” in the subject line by April 1st, 2016.
For more details, please, see the attached “call for papers”.
Dear friends and colleagues of LANGSCAPE,
Please, find attached the call for papers for the next LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar. It invites doctoral students and candidates working on multilingualism, language teaching and learning, language teachers’ education and professional development. We kindly ask you to forward the call to interested students.
Kind regards
Bettina Kaiser
LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar
Thursday 7 July 2016: 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Submission deadline: 8 May 2016
The LANGSCAPE Doctoral Seminar invites doctoral students and candidates working on multilingualism, language teaching and learning, language teachers’ education and professional development to present and share their work in a collaborative way.
When submitting a proposal you may choose between two basic formats: an oral presentation or a workshop format. Please choose the format that you think will best meet your expectations regarding the discussion of your research. Submissions for both formats will have to comply with the requirements described below:
- Each oral presentation should last no longer than 20 minutes. Oral presentations will be gathered in panels of two to three contributions. Each panel will run for 90 minutes allowing for discussion of each presentation. Participants who will choose an oral presentation will focus on theoretical, methodological, general aspects of their work and/or the discussion of potential results of their research. Oral presentations should aim at highlighting key aspects of the Ph.D. project in a concise way.
- Workshop sessions will run for up to 60 minutes. Two to three participants may work together to present specific aspects of their work. Proposals for this format will have to take into account that other participants will join the discussion in Berlin. The workshops are expected to combine a collaborative perspective with a “hands-on” approach. (Possible themes include: data discussion sessions, discussion of methodology etc.)
We invite proposals with a maximum length of 500 words. Abstracts should be submitted at by 8 May 2016. For any further questions concerning the doctoral seminar, please, contact jose.aguilarrio[at]
The Doctoral Seminar will be followed by the LANGSCAPE VUM Symposium at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin between the 8th and 9th July 2016. Participants of the Doctoral Seminar are invited to stay for the Symposium. More detailed information will be forthcoming.
Dear Langscape members,
please, find attached the following announcement of the conference “The Future of Multilingualism in the German Education System” taking place in Berlin between the 3rd and 4th of March 2016.
Detailed information:
Although half the world’s population is multilingual and the number of multilingual citizens in Germany is steadily increasing, multilingualism is still perceived not as an opportunity but as an obstacle on the way to a successful societal integration. Furthermore, multilingualism is beneficial in many ways and is a huge resource for today’s society. Being capable of speaking three languages is one of the primary education policy goals of the European Union and the support of multilingual development offers a solid basis for the further course of life.
Roughly twenty percent of the population in Germany uses one more language other than German within their families. Thus, hundreds of thousands of children in Germany are raised multilingually. The number of people who use Russian and Turkish along with German in everyday life is the highest.
German educational institutions have reacted fairly slowly to the fact that more and more children are being raised multilingually. Even though there are many bilingual kindergartens and schools in which bilingual education incorporates the languages spoken in Germany, education in the language of origin still remains at the margin nationwide. In this situation, the demand is considerably greater than the supply and is certainly not limited to Turkish and Russian.
It is the goal of the conference »The Future of Multilingualism in the German Education System: Russian and Turkish in Focus« to make a scientific and pedagogical-methodical contribution to current research and to the implementation of Turkish and Russian in the educational context. The conference aims at fostering the exchange between experts from the fields of multilingualism research and education policy, and from educational institutions and migrant associations. Thereby, the awareness of the benefits of multilingualism will be promoted and a positive attitude towards multilingualism and multilingual language acquisition among children will be reinforced. Scientific knowledge will be made more accessible for more immediate implementation.
In plenary presentations with invited speakers and numerous workshops, current issues in multilingualism will be discussed and presented to a broader public; examples for »good practice« will be introduced. The participation of international researchers enables intense discussions of various aspects of multilingualism and the experience of various countries can be shared. For instance, the issue of the necessity of regular language assessments and their particularities in multilingual children will be raised and the significance of holistic/crosslinguistic language support in early childhood and in kindergarten will be discussed, as well as the role of a home language, bilingual literacy, intercultural competence and the potential of language support programs in schools.
Dear friends and colleagues in Langscape,
Please find below the call for papers for a conference on Languages and Cultures organised by the Languages and Cultures Department at Sheffield Hallam University. The organizers hope to welcome many colleagues from within and outside the UK.
Kind regards,
Bettina Kaiser
Languages and Cultures in 21st Century Transnationality CFP
Languages and Cultures at Sheffield Hallam University,
City Campus, Sheffield, S1 1WB
Friday 9 and Saturday 10 September 2016
Abstract deadline: 31 March 2016
The concept of transnationality is increasingly common currency in the globalized world.
Modern Languages, both implicitly or explicitly, deals with the transnational aspects of cultures and, as a discipline, it is hence ideally suited to have societal impact on the construction of transnational education. Intercultural citizenship, in particular, is becoming a sine qua non in the Twenty-First Century. Modern Languages poses multicultural and multilingual questions about identity, subjectivity and alterity of past, present and future. As academics we represent institutional power and theoretical knowledge; we are mediators between theoretical processes of conceptualization and practical moments of interpretation; information brokers and hence in the fortunate positions to bring about social change.
The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars from Applied Linguistics, Intercultural Studies and European Cultural Studies to create intercultural and interdisciplinary synergies that go beyond national borders, linguistic silos or academic canons, and thus echo practices of human mobility. Themes of particular interest in the three streams include, but are not limited to:
Applied Linguistics:
· CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), technology-enhanced learning, film as teaching tool
· language acquisition, language planning
· learner autonomy, student engagement
· multilingualism, translation
· discourse analysis
Intercultural Studies:
· citizenship, identity, multiculturalism, nationhood, race
· intercultural awareness, communication, competence, education, management
· tourism, postcolonialism
· international student migration
European Cultural Studies:
· the transnational currency of popular cultural products
· translations, transpositions, transmediality
· synergies/dialogues across national cultures
· intersections of culture with other fields/disciplines (history, law, literature, sociology, technology)
· dialogues across sociocultural strata (e.g. popular and elite cultures)
· fluidity of identity
We invite proposals for 20-min papers; proposals for panels are also welcome. 250-word abstracts should be submitted by 31 March 2016 to Dr Anja Louis at: Abstracts should include the author’s name, affiliation and email address.
Please specify ‘Languages and Cultures Conference’ in the subject of your email.
We will acknowledge receipt of all abstracts submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us within two weeks, you should assume we did not receive your email.
Dear friends and colleagues in Langscape,
In the last two years, Langscape members Stephan Breidbach and José Medina were involved in a EU-funded project focusing on bringing together methods and activities from Drama Pedagogy and Content and Language Integrated Learning: playingCLIL.
The main product of this project is now available online: a substantial e-book compilation of annotated interactive games ready for use in content matter classes taught through a foreign language.
Whilst the full version of the handbook is available in English, executive summaries of the handbook also exist in three further languages for easy dissemination: German, Romanian, and Spanish. Click here to access the project website and have all the materials at your fingertips completely free of charge!
We have also developed
- a one-week training course for CLIL teachers (in-service),
- an introductory workshop to playingCLIL for a week-end, and, last but not least,
- a 90-minute quick-starter seminar.
All three formats are available on demand.
You can also follow the project on Facebook – if you like it, like it! For queries and enquiries contact:
Stephan Breidbach & José Medina
Dear LANGSCAPE members,
please, find attached the announcement of the next DILTEC event:
DILTEC colloque international
“Ethique et responsabilité pour la didactique des langues au XXIe siècle”
October 21 and 22, 2016
Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, Paris
Ethique 1er appel colloque diltec 2016 final avec bonne adresse
Kind regards
Bettina Kaiser
Dear LANGSCAPE Members,
I am happy to announce three LANGSCAPE events that will take place in Berlin this summer.
LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar
Place: Humboldt-University, Berlin
Date and Time: July 7, 2016 / 1:00 – 7:00 pm
VUM Symposium
(“Vitality of Urban Multilingualism in Europe: Comparative cross-national studies”)
Place: Humboldt-University, Berlin
Date and Time:
July 8, 2016 / 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 9, 2016 / 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
LANGSCAPE Board of Directors meeting
Place: Humboldt-University, Berlin
Date and Time: July 8, 2016 / 5:30 – 7:30 pm
More details on the registration formalities and the schedule of each day will be available soon.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin.
Kind regards on behalf of the entire LANGSCAPE coordination team
Bettina Kaiser
Dear LANGSCAPE Members,
Time passes quickly and a month has already passed since our meeting in Barcelona in October. It is more than time to update the entire LANGSCAPE community on the key issues that were discussed in Spain. In the following, you will find all relevant information.
1 Personnel
- Bettina Kaiser will succeed Claudia Schmidt in her position as coordination assistant.
- Katja Lochtman now co-chairs the research projects directorate together with Itesh Sachdev.
2 New Members since Brussels
An Vande Casteele (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Yasemin Bayyurt (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul)
Cor van der Meer (Fryske Academy, Ljouwert)
Frank Rabe (Universität Braunschweig)
Gabriele Budach (University of Luxembourg)
Heini-Marja Järvinen (University of Turku)
Jenny Jakisch (Universität Braunschweig)
David Gerlach (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
María González Davies (Blanquerna Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona)
Sílvia Melo-Pfeifer (Universität Hamburg)
Sofia Stratilaki (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3)
Sumru Akcan (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul)
Lesley Harbon (University of Technology, Sydney)
Anka Bergmann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
3 LANGSCAPE Projects
3.1 Research project: “Vitality of Urban Multilingualism” (VUM)
The research projects directorate will coordinate a collaborative research project called VUM. Research Questions of this project will be:
- What is the VUM in LANGSCAPE partners cities/towns?
- What are attitudes to multilingualism and plurilingualism in these places; How do VUM and attitudes to multilingualism relate?
- Focus on Teacher Education – a qualitative study: How is VUM reflected in educational contexts through teachers attitudes, classroom practice and school policies?
Itesh Sachdev and Katja Lochtman will keep LANGSCAPE members informed on the progress of the project. Soon, more detailed information will be made available via the LANGSCAPE blog.
At the VUM Symposium in Berlin between 8th and 9th of July 2016, first results can be discussed among participants.
3.2 Book series: Research on Identity/Multilingualism/Plurilingualism (RIMP)
LANGSCAPE will establish a printed monolingual English book series as well as an online multilingual open access publication.
3.3 Visibility
A working group within LANGSCAPE will create an official, updated and redesigned website. The LANGSCAPE Coordination team will also finalise the new poster design together with the concept of the slogan. Results of both processes will be made available to the LANGSCAPE community early in the next year.
3.4 Doctoral Support
Doctoral seminars will be established as a regular forum for exchange preferably at the annual LANGSCAPE meetings.
4 Prospective Tasks
4.1 Next LANGSCAPE meeting and doctoral seminar 2016
Both will take place in Berlin between the 7th and 9th of July 2016.
4.2 Next LANGSCAPE meeting and doctoral seminar 2017
Members will need to determine the venue for the meeting and doctoral seminar in 2017.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any further questions or comments at
Kind regards from your co-ordination team,
Bettina Kaiser, Stephan Breidbach und Lutz Küster
Dear LANGSCAPE members,
the next LANGSCAPE meeting as well as the LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar will be taking place in Barcelona in a few days. Please, find below the details of the two events.
LANGSCAPE doctoral seminar
Date: 13th Oct. 2015
Time: 9.30-13.00 pm
Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació-Poblenou, room 52.217
Link to location:
Further information: seminario-doctoral
Attachment below: Agenda and Abstracts of the doctoral seminar
LANGSCAPE Meeting: Board of Directors and Members
Date: 13th Oct. 2015
Time: 4.00-8.00 pm
Place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus de la Comunicació-Poblenou, room 52.415
Link to location:
Attachment below: Agenda of the meeting
As a final step in our preparations, could you please send nominations of prospective members to Langscape by the 9th of February. “Nomination” here is meant to refer to people who might be interested in LANGSCAPE and whom we should extend an invitation to.
Thank you very much for your input. I am looking forward to meeting you all in Barcelona very soon.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any further questions.
With kind regards from Berlin,
Bettina Kaiser
20151006_Barcelona_Langscape Meeting Agenda