Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2023 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Plurilingualism and language policies in tertiary/higher education and research in Europe and beyond.
Aiming to explore practices, discourses and mind-sets within a field structured likewise by multi-/plurilingualism and tendencies towards linguistic mainstreaming of English in the academia, the new volume of LEM will publish research concerning topics focusing tertiary or higher education contexts in Europe and worldwide such as:
- Research of lingua francae
- Plurilingual education programmes: state of the art, historical analysis, perspectives in tertiary/higher education
- Transnational institutions charged of analysing tertiary/higher education, their functions, their scope and educational policies
- Language ideologies in tertiary/higher education
- Plurilingual research practices in research teams
- The dominance of publications in English (or not)
- Epistemological implications of multilingual research contexts
- Language learning and language learning provisions in tertiary/higher education
- The role of minority languages in tertiary/higher education and research
- Government and institutional policies regarding language uses in tertiary/higher education and research
We invite proposals for contributions which address one or several of the above areas. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent no later than January 12th, 2023.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 6 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
Dear Langcape colleagues and friends,
I would like to alert you to a new book written by Gaby Meier and Simone Smala in which you may be interested:
Meier G, Smala S (2021). Languages and Social Cohesion: A Transdisciplinary Literature Review. Routledge Advances in Sociology. ISBN 9780367637200
From the publisher’s webpage:
“A critical and systematic review of existing research located at the crossroads of sociology, social psychology and applied linguistics, Languages and Social Cohesion offers valuable insights for social contexts in which decision makers and researchers grapple with questions of social cohesion in the presence of linguistic diversity.”
For more details about the book, click on the cover image below.

Dear LANGSCAPE members,
During the LANGSCAPE Conference 2017 in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL) we had the opportunity to listen to Erika Kalocsányiová’s interesting talk about her research project. Albeit rather belatedly, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that by now her dedicated work has developed into an article titled “At the borders of languages: the role of ideologies in the integration of forced migrants in multilingual Luxembourg”.
Her paper considers the role of language ideologies in the linguistic integration of forced migrants. It discusses the findings of an ethnographic exploration that was conducted in Luxembourg with five individuals who sought refuge there. A network of teachers and institutional representatives constituted the secondary pool of research participants. Through analysis of metalinguistic discourse and narrative episodes, the paper scrutinises the instrumental and integrative dimensions of language. In particular, it draws attention to and problematises the hegemonic ideologies that inform linguistic integration. By bringing into focus multilingual realities and mobile aspirations, this research seeks to provide a new impetus to the reconceptualisation of integration.
You can read Erika Kalocsányiová’s full article by following this link.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear Langscape Members,
from 29th to 30th September 2017 the University of Luxembourg will host an international conference on “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts”. You are invited to hand in abstracts for presentations or posters on the following topics: bi- or multilingual language acquisition, multilinguality in early childhood, translanguaging, language processing, multilingual education, intercultural education, multilingual literacy and multilingual language policies. Proposals can be handed in via email until 1st May 2017. For further information on the conference and the Call for Papers, please visit
Vom 29.-30. September 2017 findet an der Universität Luxemburg die Internationale Konferenz “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts” statt. Wir laden Sie ein, Abstracts zu Vorträgen oder Postern zu folgenden Themen einzureichen: zwei- oder mehrsprachiger Spracherwerb, frühkindliche Mehrsprachigkeit, Translanguaging, Entwicklung und Förderung von Familiensprachen, Sprachgebrauch in sprachlich diversen Kontexten, Sprachverarbeitung, mehrsprachige Bildung, interkulturelle Bildung, mehrsprachige Literalität und Sprachenpolitik. Vorschläge können bis zum 1. Mai 2017 per Email eingesendet werden. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz entnehmen Sie bitte dem Call for Papers oder folgender Internetseite:
Best wishes,
Florian Möller
The latest volume in MSU (Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule und Unterricht, Vo. 14) is now ready for delivery:
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Europe (CLIL) – Research Perspectives on Policy and Practice, edited by Stephan Breidbach & Britta Viebrock (2013, Peter Lang Publishers).
Here is an adapted excerpt from the cover text:
CLIL has received a strong tailwind in European educational and language policies. However, an overly speedy implementation of CLIL ‘for all’ carries many uncharted risks for all groups of stakeholders. The purpose of this book is to link the growing empirical knowledge about the full complexity of CLIL to the current European educational and language policies.
This bi-lingual volume (English/German) brings together authors from several European countries to present significant findings from recent CLIL research in the light of the developments in education policy. The four parts of the book focus on the reconstruction of learning processes, learner achievement, investigations of the concept of CLIL, and critical reflections on the current “CLIL boom”.
Contributors from Langscape:
Stephan Breidbach, Daniela Elsner, Özlem Etus, Marie-Anne Hansen-Pauly, Katja Lochtman and Britta Viebrock.
A preview of the table of content will follow here, soon.
Please consider recommending the volume for purchase to your librarian. Direct orders can be placed with Peter Lang Publishers.