The Langscape & Enrope networks call for applications for participation in a one-week Winter School to be held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, from February 27th until March 3rd, 2023. The Winter School topic will be
“Exploring plurilingual and multilingual teaching practices”.
The event is part of a Blended Intesive Programme, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme. All participants will also meet for an afternoon peraratory workshop on Dec. 16th, 2022.
Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education, and advanced MA-students with a relevant research project are warmly invited to submit their application. Applicants from partner universities in the BIP Project are elegible to receive financial support for travel and accommodation. Please indicate your university affiliation in your application.
For more information, download the Winter School 2023 Flyer or contact the nearest Langscape & Enrope representative.
We are happy to recieve your application before October 14th, 2022 at
Dear Langcape colleagues and friends,
I would like to alert you to a new book written by Gaby Meier and Simone Smala in which you may be interested:
Meier G, Smala S (2021). Languages and Social Cohesion: A Transdisciplinary Literature Review. Routledge Advances in Sociology. ISBN 9780367637200
From the publisher’s webpage:
“A critical and systematic review of existing research located at the crossroads of sociology, social psychology and applied linguistics, Languages and Social Cohesion offers valuable insights for social contexts in which decision makers and researchers grapple with questions of social cohesion in the presence of linguistic diversity.”
For more details about the book, click on the cover image below.

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
For the fourth volume of our network’s very own peer-reviewed online journal “Language Education and Multilingualism” the tireless editors, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, are looking for your contributions. The upcoming fourth volume will focus on:
Pluri- / multilingualism in language teachers’ pre-service studies and training.
Your proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages are expected by September 1, 2020.
For further details in English, Spanish, French, or German, please refer to the document embedded below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, esteemed colleagues, and friends,
Last year LANGSCAPE’s very own peer-reviewed online journal, titled Language Education and Multilingualism, released its first volume. Since then the editor team, i.e. Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Christiane Fäcke and Stephan Breidbach, have not only worked tirelessly to prepare the second volume. But, earlier this year, they also circulated the call for proposals for the third volume of the journal. Said third volume will focus on the topic of Multilingual life in urban linguistic landscapes. The editor team cordially invite your contributions to this volume of the journal.
Please see the call for proposals below for more details on the aim and focus of the volume.
Language Education and Multilingualism publishes original work in English, French, German, or Spanish.
The call for proposals closes on March 1st, 2019. Full articles will be due by August 1st, 2019. Please send your proposal to the following address:
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_deutsch
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_english
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_español
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_français
Please forward this CfP to colleagues interested in the topic and feel free to circulate it widely within your professional networks.
For further information about the journal, please visit the online site of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal or contact
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear fellow LANGSCAPE members,
we would like to bring a new video regarding multilingualism to your attention. It was recently published by Durk Gorter and Jasone Cenoz as part of their work for the ‘Donostia Research group on Education and Multilingualism’ (DREAM) of the UPV/EHU (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) and illustrates their research on multilingualism in educational settings in the Basque Country, dealing with translanguaging, multilingual language education and CLIL.
To see the video on, please follow this link.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
We would like to announce the latest title by Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes, Julie McAllister, Malory Leclère and Grégory Miras: “Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World”, which is due to be published by Multilingual Matters in March 2019. Our best wishes and felicitations to the authors!
For further information, and a very generous discount on ordering it, please see the book’s official flyer and the corresponding webpage at Multilingual Matters.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear Langscape Members,
from 29th to 30th September 2017 the University of Luxembourg will host an international conference on “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts”. You are invited to hand in abstracts for presentations or posters on the following topics: bi- or multilingual language acquisition, multilinguality in early childhood, translanguaging, language processing, multilingual education, intercultural education, multilingual literacy and multilingual language policies. Proposals can be handed in via email until 1st May 2017. For further information on the conference and the Call for Papers, please visit
Vom 29.-30. September 2017 findet an der Universität Luxemburg die Internationale Konferenz “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts” statt. Wir laden Sie ein, Abstracts zu Vorträgen oder Postern zu folgenden Themen einzureichen: zwei- oder mehrsprachiger Spracherwerb, frühkindliche Mehrsprachigkeit, Translanguaging, Entwicklung und Förderung von Familiensprachen, Sprachgebrauch in sprachlich diversen Kontexten, Sprachverarbeitung, mehrsprachige Bildung, interkulturelle Bildung, mehrsprachige Literalität und Sprachenpolitik. Vorschläge können bis zum 1. Mai 2017 per Email eingesendet werden. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz entnehmen Sie bitte dem Call for Papers oder folgender Internetseite:
Best wishes,
Florian Möller
The 2017 Langscape Conference and Board of Director’s meeting will be held from 12-14 October, 2017 in Leeuwarden, Frisland (NL). We would like to thank Cor van der Meer and the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (a divison of the Fryske Academy) very warmly for hosting both events.
The conference will be titled “Multilingualism and Minorities” to reflect the special focus of the Mercator Research Centre on research related to regional and minority languages throughout Europe and beyond.
One session within the conference will be dedicated to “VUM and Language Pedagogy”, which will be the follow-up session for the VUM project (Vitality of Urban Multilingualism) kicked-off at this year’s Langscape conference in Berlin in July. All langscape members and the local VUM research groups in Augsburg, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, and London are particularly invited to present their work in this special-topic strand.
Last but not least, we are again planning for a doctoral seminar to take place in conjunction with the conference to give our junior researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress with us.
Please save the date for the upcoming Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting from 12-14 Oct., 2017 in Leeuwarden.
Stephan & Lutz
Dear Langscape members,
I would like to bring to your attention this conference on Cross-curricular Language Learning at Sheffield Hallam University (click here). The conference will be of interest to anyone of us working in the field of multilingual education, literacy education, and CLIL.
Dear Langscape members,
There will be a conference on “Sociocultural Competence & Multilingual Education” at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel on September 19-20, 2014. The conference will be co-hosted by Langscape and co-organised by Katja Lochtman, who is currently on the Board of Directors for Conferences & Expert Meetings.
There are also plans to have a meeting of the Board of Directors and R&N Consultants concomitant to the conference.
A call for papers and further information on the event will follow during the summer break, presumably by mid-August.