Archive for tag Vitality of Urban Multlingualism

Save the date: Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting in Leeuwarden from 12-14 Oct., 2017

The 2017 Langscape Conference and Board of Director’s meeting will be held from 12-14 October, 2017 in Leeuwarden, Frisland (NL). We would like to thank Cor van der Meer and the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (a divison of the Fryske Academy) very warmly for hosting both events.

The conference will be titled “Multilingualism and Minorities” to reflect the special focus of the Mercator Research Centre on research related to regional and minority languages throughout Europe and beyond.

One session within the conference will be dedicated to “VUM and Language Pedagogy”, which will be the follow-up session for the VUM project (Vitality of Urban Multilingualism) kicked-off at this year’s Langscape conference in Berlin in July. All langscape members and the local VUM research groups in Augsburg, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, and London are particularly invited to present their work in this special-topic strand.

Last but not least, we are again planning for a doctoral seminar to take place in conjunction with the conference to give our junior researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress with us.

Please save the date for the upcoming Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting from 12-14 Oct., 2017 in Leeuwarden.

Stephan & Lutz

VUM Symposium Berlin & Doctoral Seminar – Registration open until May 30th

Dear all,

The poster for the VUM Symposium (8-9th July 2016) and the Doctoral Seminar (7th July 2016) is now available. Visit the blog for a preview. Please ask for a high-resolution printable version that we can send to you as soon as we hear from you at

Also, please all invite their PhD students to participate in the Langscape Doctoral Seminar (or, if you are a doctoral student, please feel invited to submit a short proposal for a presentation of your project). If funding is an issue, please also contact us. We promise to look for subsidies (even though we cannot promise to find them).

On behalf of the entire coordination team and directors of research project (Itesh & Katja) and of doctoral support and networking (José & Olga),
best wishes,


VUM Symposium Berlin and Doctoral Seminar – Poster