The LEM editors are pleased to announce that Volume 7 (2024) of Language Education and Multilingualism with the focus topic “Reading and teaching multilingual literary texts” has been published.
The volume is available online as a full open-access publication. The editors wish to thank the authors and reviewers for their committed work and contributions.
Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2025 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Connecting family and school language policies.
The new volume of LEM will publish research concerning related topics focusing on education contexts in Europe and worldwide such as:
- Approaches and models to connect family and school language policies
- Pedagogical experiences and good practices connecting family and school language
policies - The relevance of family and school language policies on cognitive and socio-emotional
aspects of learning - The influence of family and school language policies on migrant children’s language
development - Child language brokering and child agency
- The role of translation and interpreting in school and family mediation
- Narratives in children’s and young adult’s literature related to the topic
- Identity narratives related to teachers’ and students’ personal experiences in linguistic
The editors of LEM invite proposals for contributions that address one or several of the above areas. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent by January 9th, 2025.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 8 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you about a current Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Multilingualism in School.
Please find all info in the PDF.
Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2024 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Reading and teaching multilingual literary texts. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent by January 9th, 2024.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 7 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2024 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Reading and teaching multilingual literary texts.
The new volume of LEM will publish research concerning related topic focusing education contexts in Europe and worldwide such as:
- Epistemological dimensions of reading multilingual literary texts
- Multilingual Literature: Authors and their readers
- The role of multilingual literature in literary didactics and education
- Classroom research on multilingual literature projects in foreign language teaching
- Multilingual literary texts in language education: teaching methods and motivation
- Language and culture teaching with multilingual film and music
- New formats of digital multilingual literature (blogs, fan fiction, etc.)
- Language awareness and language learning strategies when dealing with multilingual literary
texts - Curricular planning and multilingual literary texts in foreign language education
- Audiovisual translation (AVT) of literary adaptations in foreign language learning (dubbing,
subtitling …
We invite proposals for contributions which address one or several of the above areas. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent no later than January 9, 2024.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 7 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
The Langscape & ENROPEconsortium, along with the Diltec research group and the Sorbonne Nouvelle university, are happy to announce their forthcoming Winter School, for early career researchers in the field of multi-/plurilingualism and education, which will be held at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, from the 26th of February to the 1st of March 2024, at Maison de la Recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais 75005 Paris, France. The central theme for the ENROPE/Langscape Paris Winter School 2024 will be:
“Language education through the years: plurilingualism and social challenges”
Please read the attached call for proposals to get all the information and contact details.
Looking forward to meeting you in Paris!!!
Best wishes,
The ENROPE team
Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2023 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Plurilingualism and language policies in tertiary/higher education and research in Europe and beyond.
Aiming to explore practices, discourses and mind-sets within a field structured likewise by multi-/plurilingualism and tendencies towards linguistic mainstreaming of English in the academia, the new volume of LEM will publish research concerning topics focusing tertiary or higher education contexts in Europe and worldwide such as:
- Research of lingua francae
- Plurilingual education programmes: state of the art, historical analysis, perspectives in tertiary/higher education
- Transnational institutions charged of analysing tertiary/higher education, their functions, their scope and educational policies
- Language ideologies in tertiary/higher education
- Plurilingual research practices in research teams
- The dominance of publications in English (or not)
- Epistemological implications of multilingual research contexts
- Language learning and language learning provisions in tertiary/higher education
- The role of minority languages in tertiary/higher education and research
- Government and institutional policies regarding language uses in tertiary/higher education and research
We invite proposals for contributions which address one or several of the above areas. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent no later than January 12th, 2023.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 6 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
The LEM editors are pleased to announce that Volume 5 (2022) of Language Education and Multilingualism has been published. Five contribution discuss this years’ focus topic “Multilingualism in Virtual Communication and Encounters” from multiple perspectives. They are complemented by two articles on ethical considerations in EFL research, and on an emerging framework to promote deeper learning in CLIL based on drama-games.
The volume is available online as a full open-access publication. The editors wish to thank the authors and reviewers for their committed work and contributions.
Dear Langscape community,
We are pleased to announce that the latest issue of the Lidil journal – coordinated by a José Ignacio Aguilar-Río, Alice Burrows, Cédric Brudermann and Pascale Trevisiol – has just been published. Here is what the editors say about the volume titled “Le paramètre temporel dans le développement langagier : implications didactiques et pédagogiques”:
“Le numéro 66 de Lidil s’intéresse à l’influence du « temps » sur les processus d’apprentissage des langues dites étrangères. Alors que le temps, compris comme une durée mesurable en semaines, mois, années scolaires, est proposé par des instances institutionnelles comme un repère pour organiser les apprentissages à l’école, au collège ou au lycée, la recherche suggère que l’apprentissage ne peut être réduit à des calculs de durée de participation à des enseignements. Certes, tout apprentissage s’inscrit dans une durée, mais cette durée ne saurait être une condition suffisante pour que s’ensuive du développement langagier ou que des projections relatives aux apprentissages effectués puissent être formulées à l’avance. De ce fait, la tendance qui consiste à mettre côte à côte le temps investi dans un apprentissage et l’apprentissage proprement dit va à l’encontre de ce que la recherche en acquisition des langues nous apprend sur les processus de développement langagier, lesquels sont éminemment individuels et dépendant des circonstances comme des caractéristiques de chacun.e. Les trois axes d’analyse retenus dans ce numéro — l’apprenant et ses processus d’apprentissage, la relation pédagogique et les politiques éducatives — et les sept contributions qu’il compte permettent ainsi d’envisager le temps des apprentissages d’après des dimensions multiples et, ce faisant, de mieux cerner l’impact de cette variable sur les enjeux acquisitionnels à l’œuvre en contexte institutionnel. Nous espérons que les lecteur.rice.s éprouveront autant de plaisir à lire ce volume que nous avons nous‑mêmes eu à le constituer.
“This special issue deals with time and language development. While time, understood as a duration measurable in weeks, months or school years, is regularly used as a measurement tool to support teaching and / or learning in institutional settings, research suggests that language proficiency development is impossible to deal with only in terms of intended instructional time spent by students in formal classroom settings. It follows that at the interface between the government efforts to normalize an organisational temporality and the temporal relativity which characterizes the human experience and shapes language development, the temporal parameter entails epistemological implications which have not been sufficiently questioned to date in the field of applied linguistics. This issue intends to help bridge this gap by questioning three levels where the influence of the time parameter seems particularly salient: the level of the learner and his/her learning processes, that of the instructional settings and the relationship between pedagogical guidance and language development they entail and that of the state-level education policies.
This volume includes seven contributions relying on field data and providing concrete practical and pedagogical implications as regards additional language teaching and learning and language development. We hope you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed putting it together!”
Kind regards,
Katrin Schultze and Stephan Breidbach
The Langscape & Enrope networks call for applications for participation in a one-week Winter School to be held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, from February 27th until March 3rd, 2023. The Winter School topic will be
“Exploring plurilingual and multilingual teaching practices”.
The event is part of a Blended Intesive Programme, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme. All participants will also meet for an afternoon peraratory workshop on Dec. 16th, 2022.
Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education, and advanced MA-students with a relevant research project are warmly invited to submit their application. Applicants from partner universities in the BIP Project are elegible to receive financial support for travel and accommodation. Please indicate your university affiliation in your application.
For more information, download the Winter School 2023 Flyer or contact the nearest Langscape & Enrope representative.
We are happy to recieve your application before October 14th, 2022 at