Dear Langscape members,
Please take note of the date(s) concerning the next “AILA Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics” which will be held at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) in May 2014. The conference is not initiated by the Langscape Network, yet we are glad to forward according information on behalf of the organizers.
Thus, please find further information and important dates as well as contact sites and addresses in the letter attached below.
AILA Research Network on Learner Autonomy in Language Learning
AILA-Europe/AFinLA welcome you to the 6th Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics 12th-14th May 2014 hosted by the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
The conference will focus on first and second/foreign language learning and teaching but also papers on other areas of applied linguistics are welcome. A paper may present also work in progress.
Please submit your abstract of no more than 350 words (excluding the title) using the link on the conference website:
The invited plenary speakers are
Dr Judit Kormos, University of Lancaster, Dept of Linguistics and English Language
Dr Sari Sulkunen, University of Jyväskylä, Dept of Languages
Dr Maria Ruohotie-Lyhty, University of Jyväskylä, Dept of Teacher Education
Important dates:
submission opens October 15th, 2013
second call for papers November 1st, 2013
submission closes November 29th, 2013
notification for acceptance January 31st, 2014
early bird registration March 31st, 2014
final registration 14th April, 2014
The Junior Researcher Meeting allows early career applied linguists to present their research and network in an interactive and informal international environment. ‘Junior Researchers’ include those working on their Master’s and PhD theses, as well as those who have graduated within the last three years. The conference will also be the 15th Spring School of Language Studies, which as a national event has been organized for post-graduate students by the University of Jyväskylä since 1996.
At the conference, each paper session will have designated senior researchers as commentators to guarantee questions and discussion. The programme will also include workshops on various aspects of academic career, such as publishing and seeking for funding.
The conference venue, Vesala (, is located some 15 kilometres from Jyväskylä, and transportation will be organized for participants from the airport/bus/railway station. Vesala offers not only conference facilities, accommodation and catering but also sauna, lake, and Finnish nature. Among other things, the social programme includes a conference dinner at the University of Jyväskylä, and a sauna experience at Vesala – by one of Finland’s thousands lakes.
More information on the conference and venue:
For any queries, please e-mail :
Warmly welcome to Jyväskylä!
Organising committee
Dear Langscape members,
my name is Claudia Schmidt and I´d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as a new member of the Langscape Coordination Team.
I am a BA-student of English (major) and Latin (minor) at Humboldt University in Berlin, and in the future, I will strengthen the backbone of the Langscape Coordination by supporting the work of Lutz Küster and Stephan Breidbach. My main tasks will be to manage the Langscape Blog and facilitate communication between the Coordinators and the Board of Directors and R&N Consultants. I will also help with the coordination of conferences and meetings at Humboldt University on behalf of the Langscape Network.
The first opportunity to meet face-to-face will be on 13th and 14th December at Humboldt University for those of you who will attend the Symposium of AILA ReN and/or the meeting of Board of Directors.
Please forward any material, news or events you would like to have posted to the Langscape Blog to me, using the following e-mail address: I will be happy to take care of a speedy publication.
Hoping to be able to add my share to making Langscape a mutually fruitful network, I am much looking forward to working with you,
Best wishes for now,
To push things forward after the summer break, the Langscape coordinators, Lutz Küster and Stephan Breidbach, invite the newly-formed Board of Directors and the Research&Network Consultants for a kick-off-meeting. The meeting will take place at Humboldt-University on Saturday, December 14, from 9:30 to 1:30, followed by a concluding lunch.
The kick-off-meeting aims at elaborating and specifying the plans for the development of Langscape initiated in Istanbul in April this year. We hope to be able to set up an agenda for Langscape to be implemented the coming 3 years .
In order to be able to reach this admittedly ambitious goal, it is our main concern for all of us to have the same state of information and for everyone to be able to feed in her/his ideas and potential. Ideally, each of the directorates should be represented by at least one person at the meeting. The coordinators therefore ask the directors to decide who will be present at the meeting and send their feedback as soon as possible.
Also note that the AILA-ReN Symposium “Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism” will take place at the same venue on Dec. 13, one day before the meeting. The call for papers will be open until Sept. 8 and all Langscape members are welcome to submit their proposal for a short presentation. Non-presenting guests are also welcome.
The latest volume in MSU (Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule und Unterricht, Vo. 14) is now ready for delivery:
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Europe (CLIL) – Research Perspectives on Policy and Practice, edited by Stephan Breidbach & Britta Viebrock (2013, Peter Lang Publishers).
Here is an adapted excerpt from the cover text:
CLIL has received a strong tailwind in European educational and language policies. However, an overly speedy implementation of CLIL ‘for all’ carries many uncharted risks for all groups of stakeholders. The purpose of this book is to link the growing empirical knowledge about the full complexity of CLIL to the current European educational and language policies.
This bi-lingual volume (English/German) brings together authors from several European countries to present significant findings from recent CLIL research in the light of the developments in education policy. The four parts of the book focus on the reconstruction of learning processes, learner achievement, investigations of the concept of CLIL, and critical reflections on the current “CLIL boom”.
Contributors from Langscape:
Stephan Breidbach, Daniela Elsner, Özlem Etus, Marie-Anne Hansen-Pauly, Katja Lochtman and Britta Viebrock.
A preview of the table of content will follow here, soon.
Please consider recommending the volume for purchase to your librarian. Direct orders can be placed with Peter Lang Publishers.
Langscape and the AILA-ReN “Sociocultural Theory & Emergentism“ will host a Symposium on
“Interactions of Sociocultural Theory and Emergentism in SLA and Language Education Studies – Conceptual and Interdisciplinary Concerns”
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
13 December 2013, 9am – 5pm
Organisers: Lutz Küster & Stephan Breidbach
Read about the symposium and the Call for Papers below. Download the CfP here in PDF-format: CfP – Symposium 2013.
Langscape is an international research network in language education, language learning, and plurilingualism.
The network is currently coordinated by Lutz Küster and Stephan Breidbach from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
We invite you to browse this site to find out about the
Langscape Mission
Langscape Board of Directors
Langscape Research & Newtwork Consultants
Langscape Members & Associates