Archive for category Allgemein

Call for Applicants: New Master of International Management, Education & Training at the University of Bordeaux

Dear fellow Langscapers,
our colleague Prof Martine Derivry would like to inform all of you about a new Master studies programm at the University of Bordeaux and kindly asks you to pass on the information given below:
You are warmly invited to apply for our brand new Master of International Management, Education & Training (Formation de Formateurs à l’International – FFI) of the University of Bordeaux, starting up in September 2017!

FFI is an online & bilingual program designed to support the development of skills for educators, trainers, managers and leaders entering or advancing in international mobility and in young and adult learning and training in diverse settings that require international understanding and intercultural know-how. 

The Master program includes virtual classes, distance tutored sessions and two full weeks of training sessions at the Graduate School of Education & Training, which is part of the University of Bordeaux (ESPE d’Aquitaine).

NEW DEADLINE ! Applications are expected before June 20th : you will find enclosed the application form.  

We encourage you to explore our website at to learn more about our bilingual and innovative program, and how our academic resources will contribute to making your projects a success. All information is available online!

Join us! Rejoignez-nous !

FFI Master International Management, Education & Training Team in Bordeaux 


Bonjour / Hello !

Vous êtes chaleureusement invités à postuler à notre tout nouveau Master FFI – Formation de Formateurs à l’International (Master of International Management, Education & Training) de l’Université de Bordeaux, en septembre 2017 !

FFI est un master bilingue en ligne conçu pour soutenir le développement de compétences pour les éducateurs, les formateurs, les managers et les leaders qui progressent dans la mobilité internationale et dans la formation des jeunes et des adultes dans divers contextes nationaux qui nécessitent une compréhension internationale et un savoir-faire interculturel.
Le Master comprend des classes visuelles, des cours et travaux dirigés à distance et deux semaines de formation en présentiel à l’ESPE d’Aquitaine.

NOUVEAU : la date limite pour déposer votre candidature est repoussée au 20 juin à 12h00 (heure de Paris). Vous trouverez le dossier d’inscription en pièce jointe.

Nous vous encourageons à visiter notre site http://pi-learning.espe-a pour découvrir comment notre formation innovante et bilingue contribuera à faire avancer vos projets. Toutes les informations sont accessibles en ligne!

Rejoignez-nous! Join us !

L’équipe du Master Formation de Formateurs à l’International FFI
FFI – Online Master of International Education and Training
Château Bourran – 2ème étage
160 avenue de Verdun – BP 90152 – F33705 Mérignac cedex
Tel : +33 5 56 12 67 60 – Email :
16. June 2017 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

Langscape survey for young researchers

Dear Langscape members and friends,

Here is good news for all of you who are working on a Master, PhD or Postdoc project that deals with Langscape issues such as plurilingualism, identity or CLIL: We are currently preparing an Erasmus+ application (Strategic Partnership Program) which will – if granted – allow us to offer beginning researchers much more support and opportunities for collaboration.

Our initiative aims at establishing regular summer schools and other sustainable structures for international collaboration (e.g. virtual winter schools, online workshops, opportunities for research exchanges or joint publications), not only on the level of methods and methodology, but also as a way to work together on closely related topics.

In order to come up with a truly convincing application we need to collect some information about our potential target group – i.e.: you! We need to know what kind of (post)doctoral support you already receive and what kind of international collaboration you think could be beneficial for you. We would thus like to invite you to take part in our online survey:

The survey will be open until June 30 and can be completed in 5-10 minutes. In case you have questions please do not hesitate to get back to me.

You are also welcome to pass on this email to other (Langscape) researchers who might be interested in the kind of collaboration we are aiming at.

Kind regards,

Katrin Schultze

(for the Erasmus+ application team)

Looking back at 2016 and forth to 2017

Dear Langscape friends and colleagues,

The year 2016 has been a year full of activities in many fields within our network. Besides having our regular annual meeting, we could define new and interesting research projects, develop teaching collaborations and ideas for doctoral support and, last but not least, take a big step forward towards an increased visibility of our network in terms of publishing and publications, especially by pushing forward the creation of our own e-journal.

We would like to thank every one in the network very warmly who contributed to make all this possible. As a network Lanscape is built on shared interests in language research and language education. This is, however, only one part of the story as Langscape would not be what it is without the mutual trust, sympathy, and the commitment we have to collaborate across borders of national and academic cultures. This is why your contributions to Langscape are so valuable and worthwhile of every minute of your time and each grain of your energy.

Looking also at the bigger picture, we have seen many human and political tragedies recently that have directly or indirectly affected our lives and our work. Cities where we work and travel have experienced acts of violence through which people lost their lives or were severely injured. In many societies exclusionist ideologies are on the rise and protectionist policies find a growing audience supporting them. As a consequence, civil rights, which are the essence of open and liberal societies, have come under severe pressure almost everywhere. Under these conditions, languages are not a panacea but languages matter as an important foundation of people’s capability of encountering and understanding each other and as a means to generate and foster social cohesion. Here, Langscape has a contribution to make. May the coming year, despite the times being what they are, be a year of encouragement, optimism, and hope.

Best wishes from Berlin

Lutz & Stephan

21. December 2016 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | 2 comments 2#187;
Posted in Allgemein

Conference on Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts in Luxembourg, 29th – 30th September 2017

Dear Langscape Members,

from 29th to 30th September 2017 the University of Luxembourg will host an international conference on “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts”. You are invited to hand in abstracts for presentations or posters on the following topics: bi- or multilingual language acquisition, multilinguality in early childhood, translanguaging, language processing, multilingual education, intercultural education, multilingual literacy and multilingual language policies. Proposals can be handed in via email until 1st May 2017. For further information on the conference and the Call for Papers, please visit

Vom 29.-30. September 2017 findet an der Universität Luxemburg die Internationale Konferenz “Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse Contexts” statt. Wir laden Sie ein, Abstracts zu Vorträgen oder Postern zu folgenden Themen einzureichen: zwei- oder mehrsprachiger Spracherwerb, frühkindliche Mehrsprachigkeit, Translanguaging, Entwicklung und Förderung von Familiensprachen, Sprachgebrauch in sprachlich diversen Kontexten, Sprachverarbeitung, mehrsprachige Bildung, interkulturelle Bildung, mehrsprachige Literalität und Sprachenpolitik. Vorschläge können bis zum 1. Mai 2017 per Email eingesendet werden. Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz entnehmen Sie bitte dem Call for Papers oder folgender Internetseite:

Best wishes,

Florian Möller

Announcement: Change of personnel – Farewell to Bettina Kaiser, introducing Florian Möller

Dear Langscape members,

This post announces a change in personnel among the Langscape coordination. First of all, I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Florian Möller. Currently, I work for the Foreign Language Education section of the department of English and American Studies at Humboldt-University in Berlin. So far, the focus of my work has been to administer the department’s literature. Yet, I have now been given the opportunity to extend my field of work and will in future take over from Bettina Kaiser assisting the Langscape coordinators.

Sadly, this leads me to one of my first duties, which is to bid Bettina Kaiser farewell. As far as my still rather limited Langscape experience tells me her excellent, constructive and precise work in assisting and organizing the coordination of Langscape will be missed by all of us. Yet, other projects await her and I heartily wish her continued success in all her future efforts. Thank you for the good work, Bettina! In order to let Bettina write a few words as well I would like to hand over the metaphorical pen to her:

Changing the identity of “I”, I, Bettina, would like to use this paragraph to express my gratitude in having been able to work with and for all of you. It has been a great pleasure to get to know you and I thank Florian for taking over. To cut a long story short: thank you for your continued trust in my abilities and to all of you the utmost success in shaping Langscape’s future and vision.

Best wishes,

Bettina Kaiser

Bettina Kaiser (Abb.: Bettina Kaiser)


Florian Möller

Florian Möller (Abb.: Florian Möller)



Call for applicants: Funded Doctoral studentship opportunities at the University of Exeter

Dear all,

There are currently a number of funded Doctoral studentship opportunities at the University of Exeter’s Graduate School of Education, incl. in the field of language education. The following opportunities are now being advertised on the University website:

1) ESRC South-West Doctoral Training Partnership +3 and 1+3 Studentships. Please see: Deadline for application: 2nd February 2017.

2) University of Exeter Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. Please see: Deadline for application: 15th January 2017.

3) University of Exeter International Excellence Scholarship for Postgraduate Research. Please see: Deadline for application: 15th January 2017.

Full details of SSIS College PGR funding opportunities can be found here: This page includes links to the various schemes and contains details about entry requirements and applications.

The Graduate School of Education has particular language-related strengths in:

·         Educational corpus linguistics

·         English for Academic Purposes

·         Language teacher cognition

·         Technology-enhanced learning

·         Bilingual and multilingual approaches to education

·         Language education and social cohesion

See here for a list of faculty working in these areas. We would strongly encourage potential applicants to contact a faculty member who might act as their supervisor and who could support them in the application process.

All the best,
Gabriela Meier
(Senior Lecturer in Language Education)

Save the date: Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting in Leeuwarden from 12-14 Oct., 2017

The 2017 Langscape Conference and Board of Director’s meeting will be held from 12-14 October, 2017 in Leeuwarden, Frisland (NL). We would like to thank Cor van der Meer and the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (a divison of the Fryske Academy) very warmly for hosting both events.

The conference will be titled “Multilingualism and Minorities” to reflect the special focus of the Mercator Research Centre on research related to regional and minority languages throughout Europe and beyond.

One session within the conference will be dedicated to “VUM and Language Pedagogy”, which will be the follow-up session for the VUM project (Vitality of Urban Multilingualism) kicked-off at this year’s Langscape conference in Berlin in July. All langscape members and the local VUM research groups in Augsburg, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, and London are particularly invited to present their work in this special-topic strand.

Last but not least, we are again planning for a doctoral seminar to take place in conjunction with the conference to give our junior researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress with us.

Please save the date for the upcoming Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting from 12-14 Oct., 2017 in Leeuwarden.

Stephan & Lutz

Rappel – colloque RANACLES (Paris): 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2016

Chèr(e)s collègues,

Nous vous rappelons que 24ème Congrès RANACLES se tiendra les 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2016 à l’université Paris-Sorbonne, ESPE de Paris, et qu’il se donne pour objectif d’interroger la notion d’espace d’apprentissage et de recherche en langues à l’ère du numérique.
Nous sommes heureux de vous signaler que programme complet du congrès figure désormais sur le site du colloque:
D’autre part, nous vous signalons que les inscriptions sont ouvertes. Notez cependant que vous devez procéder à votre inscription avant le 30 septembre 2016 pour pouvoir bénéficier du tarif préférentiel.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver nombreux à cette occasion.

Cédric Brudermann
(pour le comité d’organisation)

Dear colleagues,
We are happy to remind you that Université Paris-Sorbonne’s Education Department (ESPE de Paris) will host the 24th RANACLES Conference on 24-26 November 2016. This international conference aims at questioning the notion of language learning and research spaces in the digital age.
We are delighted to inform you that the full conference programme is now available online on the conference website:
Please note that online registration is now open and that the early bird registration deadline is 30 September 2016.
We look forward to welcoming you to the conference.

Best regards,

Cédric Brudermann
(on behalf of the organising committee)

Langscape expresses solidarity with our friends in Turkey

The recent developments following the attempted coup-d’état in Turkey have given rise to many concerns and worries with regard to the fundamental freedom of research and academic teaching, and the personal situation of Langscape members working at the country’s universities. On behalf of Langscape, we express our solidarity with all our friends and colleagues in Turkey. The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has released an address of solidarity that we fully support and would like to endorse by sharing it with the Langscape community.

Furthermore, the European University Association has expressed its opposition to the massive state-interference at Turkish universities that lead to a clampdown on deans and the curtailing of the freedom to travel for researchers and students.

Langscape subscribes to the EUA’s call to “support democracy in Turkey, including institutional autonomy and academic freedom for scholars and students”.

On behalf of the Langscape Board,

Stephan Breidbach and Lutz Küster

25. July 2016 | Posted by Prof. Dr. Stephan Breidbach | No comments »

LANGSCAPE Symposium and Doctoral Seminar: Details

Dear LANGSCAPE members,

We look forward to welcome many of you here in Berlin. The following post is meant to make your visit to Humboldt-University easier and to keep those members informed who will not be able to come to Berlin.

Please find attached:

  • the schedule of the symposium
  • the abstracts of the keynote lectures
  • the abstracts of the panelist sessions
  • the schedule of the doctoral seminar
  • the abstracts of the doctoral seminar


You can find these documents also online on the symposium website.

The registration desk will open in room 2249a of the main building/Hauptgebäude in “Campus Mitte” on 8th July / 9:00am.

A € 15.00 (students € 7.50) contribution to refreshments will be collected at the registration desk. Unfortunately, credit card payments cannot be accepted. Thank you for your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions at

Kind regards on behalf of the entire coordination-team,
Bettina Kaiser

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5. July 2016 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein