Langscape Blog

Announcement: “Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal Vol. I” is online now

Dear Langscape members, colleagues, and friends,

We rejoice in announcing that Langscape finally has its own journal: “Language Education and Multilingualism”! Of course, we are very grateful to all of the authors: Claire Kramsch; Franz-Joseph Meißner; Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes; Adelheid Hu; Ulrike Jessner, Valentina Török & Claudia Pellegrini; Gabriela Meier; Elena Gómez Parra; Ofelia García & Maite Sánchez; Katja Lochtman; Yan-Zhen Chen & Christine Hélot. Thank you for entrusting your inspiring articles to us for publication. Furthermore our special thanks go to the coordinators of the journal, Christiane Fäcke and Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, for their intense engagement in and dedicated work on this project.

You can find the first voume of our journal at

We heartily hope that you will join us in celebrating the finalisation of this long-term project. If you want to do so, you can use this poster to join in:

LEM_Vol I_Poster_A3

You are, of course, most welcome to print the above poster and we would like to encourage you to circulate it via your associated networks.

Kind regards,

Florian Möller

Call for Contributions: II Langscape Symposium Barcelona

Dear Langscape colleagues, members, friends,

The II Langscape Symposium 2018 at the Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona, from 18th to 20th April, draws ever closer. While we are already looking forward to seeing you there, our local hosts would like to cordiallly invite you to contribute to the symposium. You will find more details on the event and how to contribute at:

You can also access the outline, including the CfP, of the Symposium here.

Following the guidelines and questions given on the page linked above, you are very welcome to send your contributions to Ms. Laia Paniello. The deadline for the abstracts has been extended to 15 January 2018. 


Please note that more information concerning the doctoral seminar linked to the symposium will follow soon.

Kind regards,

Florian Möller

Call for Applicants: Scholarship for EU students, including UK students, at the SOAS

Dear Langscape members, dear colleagues,
Anne Pauwels has been so kind as to inform us about a generous scholarship scheme for EU students, including UK students of course, to undertake a Master’s and/or PhD at SOAS. You will find more information about the scholarship under
The applying student must be willing to undertake a PhD with one of the members of staff at SOAS. For more information about their respective areas of expertise, please visit
​If there are any students who would be interested and are qualified to apply, please send a short message to Anne Pauwels or to In the later case I will forward your message to her.
Best wishes,
Florian Möller
2. November 2017 | Posted by | No comments »
Posted in Allgemein

Announcement: Langscape Conference Leeuwarden/Ljouwert Programme

Dear fellow Langscapers, colleagues, and friends,

As our conference in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert [NL] on 12th to 14th October, is drawing ever closer, we are happy to present the finalised conference programme to you. The conference will include presentations by over twenty speakers, discussing various topics connected to our overall theme “Multilingualism from Minority and Majority Perspectives”. For a closer look into the very diverse programme, please click: Langscape Conference Leeuwarden/Ljouwert Programme.

The keynote speakers will be:
  • Piet van Avermaet (Ghent) on “Multilingualism in Education. Problem or Asset?”
  • Jasone Cenoz (Donostia – San Sebastian) on “Minority languages and multilingual education: Is translanguaging a threat or an opportunity?”
  • Durk Gorter (Donostia – San Sebastian) on “Learning languages from the linguistic landscape”

As participant of the conference, you are also invited to take part in the Langscape Board of Directors meeting.

Registration for the conference will be open until 4th October, 2017.  For questions about the conference, please contact:

We are already looking forward to meeting you and hope you will join the discussion in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert [NL].

Kind regards,

Florian Möller

Reminder: Langscape Conference Leeuwarden/Ljouwert 2017

Dear Langscape members,

we would like to remind you of our upcoming Langscape Conference in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL) “Multilingualism: minority & majority perspectives” and once again take the opportunity to cordially invite your participiation. To register for the conference, please follow this link.

In case you have registered already, remember to book accomodation for your stay during the conference. Our partner Mercator has kindly reserved rooms for conference participants directly at our conference venue, the Hotel Oranje. If you choose to book lodgings at the Hotel Oranje, please make sure to mention “Langscape”, “Mercator” or “Fryske Academy”.

Finally, would like to present the poster for our conference in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL): Langscape Leeuwarden/Ljouwert 2017 Poster.

Kind regards,

Florian Möller


Save the date: Langscape Symposium and BoD-Meeting in Barcelona from 18th to 20th April 2018

The 2018 Langscape Symposium and Board of Directors’ meeting will be held from 18th to 20th April 2018 at the Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona. We would like to thank Maria González-Davies very warmly for hosting both events.

The symposium will be titled

“Towards Meaningful Plurilingual Innovation: Connecting Research and Informed Practices”

The main focus will be on questions of meaningful plurilingual practices in learning and teaching contexts, viewed from and appealing to diverse international perspectives.

Professor Jim Cummins, University of Toronto, Canada has already agreed to deliver a keynote and to give a presentation investigating the link between language and education. A further section of the symposium will concentrate on the connection of neuroscience and languages.

Following our established practice, we are again planning for a doctoral seminar to take place in conjunction with the symposium to give junior researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work with us.

Please save the date for the upcoming Langscape Symposium and BoD-Meeting from 18-20 April, 2018 in Barcelona.


Stephan Breidbach
Lutz Küster
Florian Möller

Call for Papers: Doctoral Seminar at Langscape Conference Leeuwarden/Ljouwert 2017

Dear Langscape members, colleagues and friends,


The Langscape network organises a doctoral seminar at Fryske Akademy, in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, Friesland, Netherlands, 12th through 14th of October 2017, as part of the Langscape conference 2017. Doctoral students working on multilingualism, language teaching and learning, language teachers’ education and professional development, are invited to share their work with peers and experts in an interactive and collaborative way. The doctoral seminar will be held on two consecutive time slots on 12th and 13th October. Participants will have up to 20 minutes to present their work, followed by a 25 minutes discussion.

If you wish to submit a presentation, please, complete this form before the 28th of August. Participants are invited to choose any of the following four languages: English, French, German, Spanish. You will have to ensure, however, that either your slides or your handout (or any other written support) will be available in English to enable all participants to follow your presentation. Participants of the Doctoral Seminar are invited to stay for the conference.

For further information on and registration for the conference, please visit:

To submit a paper, please visit:



Le réseau Langscape organise un séminaire doctoral à Fryske Akademy, en Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, Friesland, Pays-Bas, du 12 au 14 octobre 2017. Les doctorants qui préparent des travaux liés à des sujets sur le plurilinguisme, l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des langues, la formation des enseignants de langues et le perfectionnement professionnel, sont invités à partager leur travail avec des pairs et des experts de manière interactive et collaborative. Ce séminaire doctoral se déroulera sur deux créneaux consécutifs. Les participants auront 20 minutes maximum pour présenter leur travaux, suivies d’une dicussion de 25 minutes.

Si vous souhaitez soumettre une présentation, veuillez compléter ce formulaire avant le 28 août. Les participants sont invités à choisir l’une des quatre langues suivantes : anglais, français, allemand, espagnol. Vous devrez toutefois vous assurer que vos diapositives ou tout autre support écrit, seront disponibles en anglais pour permettre à tous les participants de suivre votre présentation. Le séminaire sera suivi par le symposium LANGSCAPE à Fryske Akademy à Friesland entre le 12 et le 14 octobre 2017. Les participants au séminaire de doctorat sont invités à rester pour le symposium. Des informations plus détaillées seront disponibles.

Pour toute autre information et l´enregistrement veuillez consulter :

Pour soumettre une présentation cliquez sur :



La red Langscape organiza un seminario doctoral en Fryske Akademy, en Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, Frisia, Países Bajos, del 12 al 14 de octubre de 2017. Se invita a los doctorandos que preparan trabajos relacionados con temas de multilingüismo, enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas, formación de profesores de idiomas y desarrollo profesional a compartir su trabajo con otros compañeros y expertos de manera interactiva y colaborativa. Los participantes dispondrán de 20 minutos para presentar su trabajo, tras la cual habrá 25 minutos de discusión.

Si desea presentar una presentación, por favor, complete este formulario antes del 28 de agosto. Se invita a los participantes a elegir cualquiera de los siguientes idiomas: inglés, francés, alemán, español. Se ruega que se aseguren de que sus diapositivas o cualquier otro documento escrito esté disponible en inglés para que todos los participantes puedan seguir su presentación. El Seminario de Doctorado será seguido por el Simposio de LANGSCAPE en la Fryske Akademy en Frisia entre el 12 y el 14 de octubre de 2017. Los participantes del Seminario de Doctorado son invitados a permanecer en el Simposio. Se proporcionará información más detallada más adelante.

Para tener más información así que para inscribirse utilice:

Para proponer una presentación utilice:



Das Forschungsnetzwerk Langscape organisiert in der Zeit vom 12. bis zum 14. Oktober 2017 ein Doktorandenseminar an der Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden/Ljouwert, Friesland, Niederlande. Doktoranden, die zu Fragen der Mehrsprachigkeit, dem Lehren und Lernen von Fremdsprachen, der Lehrerbildung und einschlägigen Berufsbiographien forschen, sind eingeladen, ihre Arbeiten vorzustellen und unter Peers und Experten in einer interaktiven, kollaborativen Weise zu diskutieren. Das Doktorandenseminar wird an zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Zeitpunkten am 12. und am 13. Oktober stattfinden. Teilnehmer werden die Möglichkeit haben Ihre Arbeit bis zu 20 Minuten lang vorzustellen, gefolgt von einer 25minütigen Diskussion.

Wenn Sie einen Vorschlag einreichen möchten, füllen Sie bitte bis zum 28.08.2017 dieses Formblatt aus. Beiträge sind in englischer, französischer, deutscher oder spanischer Sprache willkommen. In jedem Fall müssten Sie allerdings sicherstellen, dass Ihre Folien, Handouts oder andere schriftliche Darreichungen in englischer Sprache verfasst sind, damit alle Teilnehmenden Ihren Ausführungen folgen können. Das Doktorandenseminar ist integrativer Bestandteil einer Fachtagung im o.g. Zeitraum, an der Sie gebeten werden durchgängig teilzunehmen.

Zur Anmeldung für die Konferenz oder für weitere Informationen zur Konferenz, besuchen Sie bitte:

Um ein Vorschlag für das Doktorandenseminar einzureichen, besuchen Sie bitte:


Kind regards, mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Florian Möller

Online Survey for Langscape Early Researchers – EXTENDED until July 16!

Dear Langscape members and friends,

The online survey for Langscape early researchers (cp. below) has been extended to July 16. We would kindly like to ask especially those of you who are interested in joining the application team for the Erasmus+ project (Langscape doctoral summer schools etc.) to pass on the survey to potential participants. Please follow this link:

Please feel free to get back to me in case you have questions.

Thank you very much for you cooperation!

Herzliche  Grüße,

Katrin Schultze (HU Berlin)

Katrin Schultze
Fachdidaktik Englisch
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6, R. 2004
10099 Berlin
Tel.: 030/2093-2767

Announcement: Registration for the Langscape Conference Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL) 2017 opened

Dear members,

we are very happy to announce that the next conference of LANGSCAPE will be held between 12-14 October, 2017 in Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, the capital of bilingual Fryslân in The Netherlands! It will be hosted by Mercator, the European Research Center on Multilingualism and Language Learning, which is part of the Fryske Akademy.

Our conference will bring together scholars from different disciplines who explore issues of multilingualism from minority and majority perspectives using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Our keynote speakers will be: Jasone Cenoz and Durk Groter, both from the University of the Basque Country, and Piet Van Avermaet from the University Ghent.

The thematic focus will be on aspects such as identities, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, values, motivations, norms, behaviour, language policies and so on. A selection of submissions will be chosen for presentation on topics including multilingual communication and miscommunication; language learning and teaching; bilingualism & multilingualism in endangered, regional and minority languages; multilingualism and discrimination; multilingualism and media (mass and social).

For registration please visit

For further information on the conference visit

The registration fee for the conference will be € 50 (full rate) / € 25 (reduced rate for students, presenters in the doctoral seminar and for part-time employees).

Kind regards,

Florian Möller

Conference Announcement – Science Communication for Researchers in Education: how to do it successfully

Autumn School SCoRE’17]: CALL FOR PROPOSALS – Science Communication for Researchers in Education: how to do it successfully


The Research Centre “Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers” of the University of Aveiro – Portugal, is pleased to announce the 1st edition of the international Autumn School SCoRE’17: Science Communication for Researchers in Education: how to do it successfully. Doctoral students and young researchers in Education are encouraged to apply.

SCoRE’17 will take place from 5 to 10 November 2017, at the University of Aveiro, and will involve six keynote speakers in Science Communication who will lead the participating researchers through different strategies and technologies aiming at communicating scientific knowledge to broad publics, thus reinforcing the connection between R&D activities (research and development) and society.

More information available in:

See and share on your social networks SCoRE’2017 promotional video available in:

Important dates:

_Call for proposals: until May 31st 2017

_Notification to the participants: June 30th 2017

_Early registration: until August 31st 2017

_Deadline for registration: until September 30th 2017


We kindly request the dissemination of this information.


On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Cecília Guerra, Rita Tavares, and Helena Araújo e Sá


SCoRE website

Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers

Departamento de Educação e Psicologia | Universidade de Aveiro

3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal



Caro(a) colega,


O Centro de Investigação “Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores” – CIDTFF da Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal tem o prazer de anunciar a primeira edição da escola de outono internacional SCoRE’17: Science Communication for Researchers in Education: how to do it successfully, pensada para investigadores na área da Educação (estudantes de doutoramento e investigadores em pós-doutoramento).

SCoRE’17 terá lugar entre os dias 5 e 10 de novembro de 2017 na Universidade de Aveiro e contará com a participação de seis keynote speakers na área da Comunicação de Ciência, que conduzirão os investigadores participantes por diferentes estratégias e tecnologias que lhes permitirão trazer os resultados da investigação para a compreensão e discussão públicas, assim reforçando a ligação das atividades de I&D à sociedade.

Toda a informação disponível em

Veja e divulgue nas suas redes sociais o vídeo promocional do SCoRE’17 em  

Datas importantes:

_Data limite para a receção de candidaturas: 31 de maio de 2017

_Data limite para a notificação dos participantes: 30 de junho de 2017

_Early registration: 31 de agosto de 2017

_Late registration: 30 de setembro de 2017


Agradecemos a divulgação desta informação por potenciais interessados.


Pela Comissão Organizadora,

Cecília Guerra, Rita Tavares e Helena Araújo e Sá



 SCoRE website

Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers

Departamento de Educação e Psicologia | Universidade de Aveiro

3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal