The Langscape & Enrope networks call for applications for participation in a one-week Winter School to be held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, from February 27th until March 3rd, 2023. The Winter School topic will be
“Exploring plurilingual and multilingual teaching practices”.
The event is part of a Blended Intesive Programme, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme. All participants will also meet for an afternoon peraratory workshop on Dec. 16th, 2022.
Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education, and advanced MA-students with a relevant research project are warmly invited to submit their application. Applicants from partner universities in the BIP Project are elegible to receive financial support for travel and accommodation. Please indicate your university affiliation in your application.
For more information, download the Winter School 2023 Flyer or contact the nearest Langscape & Enrope representative.
We are happy to recieve your application before October 14th, 2022 at
Dear all,
An article on our Multilingualism Week has been posted on the Circle U. website and the registration forms are ready!
Now it is our turn to spread the word about the two online events on the 8th of September that are open to the public: the Think and Do Tank café and the Policy roundtable.
- Registration form for the Think and Do Tank Café
- Registration form for the policy roundtable on multilingualism
On June 17, 2022 the very first LANGSCAPE and ENROPE Colloquium was kicked off with great success! We welcomed around 30 participants and enjoyed a 3-hour online programme including two wonderful presentations by Maria Gonzáles Davies from Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona (“The integrated plurilingual approach (IPA): Taking research to the classrooms”) and by Tian Yan from the University of Exeter (“Between monolingual policy and multilingual reality in South China: English learners’ and teachers’ perceptions and experience of language awareness, translation and translanguaging”).
After the presentations and a lively discussion, the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) worked together in breakout rooms. All SIGs developed great ideas and two of them already agreed upon contact persons and concrete next steps. The third group is in the process and will follow shortly.
Here is a short overview of the established Special Interest Groups:
1) Research methodology and ethics (contact persons: Paulette van der Voet, Tian Yan)
2) Language policies (contact persons: Ozan Varli, Andrew McDouall, Robin Breit)
3) Language teacher development (provisional contact person: Tomáš Kos)
We will shortly send out more information on the SIGs’ activities and modes of collaboration.
The LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Online Colloquium continues …
The dates for the next LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Online Colloquiums are as follows:
- Sep 16th, 2022 from 9-13h (CEST)
- Dec 16th, 2022 from 1-4 pm (CET)
- March 17th, 2023 from 9-13h (CET)
- June 16th, 2023 from 1-4 pm (CEST)
The LANGSCAPE & ENROPE Online Colloquium kicks off today on June 17, 2022 from 13 – 16:00 (CEST).
It’s a space for presenting and discussing on-going research and teaching projects related to plurilingualism and education, welcoming researchers and educators at all stages of their career!
Save the date for the next meetings and visit for detailed information:
- Sep 16th, 2022 from 9-13h (CET)
- Dec 16th, 2022 from 1-4 pm (CET)
- March 17th, 2023 from 9-13h (CET)
- June 16th, 2023 from 1-4 pm (CET)
The official submission platform ( for the symposium ‘Changing communities, changing worldviews: Rethinking migration and learning languages other than English’. will open shortly. The deadline for abstract submission is 3 July, 2022.
Changing communities, changing worldviews: Rethinking migration and learning languages other than English
Alice Chik (Macquarie University) and Danping Wang (University of Auckland)
Abstract The dynamics of population movement, linguistic diversity, and language education shape and change our worldviews. How does migration and mobility change place-based understanding of linguistic diversity? How do diversifying linguistic patterns impact languages education? And how are worldviews impacted by widening linguistic diversity? And how to integrate diverse epistemological perspectives into our efforts to reinvigorate students’ passion for the learning of languages other than English? This symposium adopts interdisciplinary approaches to examine the dynamics between changing demography, linguistic diversity, and worldviews.
We wish you a very happy new year 2022!
The registration for the ENROPE keep-in-touch-meeting on Tuesday, 8th February 2022 from 2-5 pm (CET) is online now and we are looking forward to your registration here.
For this online event we are planning for family-group reunions, special interest workshops related to ENROPE topics, and opportunities for you to learn more about the Langscape International Research Network and how ENROPERs can connect with Langscape in the future.
A detailed schedule will be available very soon!
For more information on ENROPE, please visit the project website:
Hello all ENROPErs,
Some time has passed since we last met for the third and final Intensive Study Week “in” Barcelona, and we think that it is time for an ENROPE reunion meeting.
So, here comes our save-the-date message for everyone waiting and wanting to touch base, keep in touch, and continue the ENROPE experience: We will meet on Tuesday, 8th February 2022 from 2-5 pm (CET). For this online event, we are planning for family-group reunions, special interests workshops related to ENROPE topics, and opportunities for you to learn more about the Langscape International Research Network and how ENROPErs can connect with Langscape in the future.
A more detailed schedule and a registration link will be available soon.
We hope to see you all in February next year and send our very best wishes from the ENROPE project team.
Volume 4 of the LANGSCAPE journal is online now and offers a selective overview of the role and significance of pluri- and multilingualism in education and training contexts for teachers of modern language. Under the general heading of Pluri- and Multilingualism in Initial Language Teacher Education and Training, the volume presents contributions from an international and contrastive viewpoint.
You can find the complete journal as well as the individual articles following this link:

Ma soutenance de HDR (résumé disponible ici) aura lieu le 30 septembre sur le site Gennevilliers de l’université CYU (plan d’accès ici), à partir de 14h, dans la salle B018. Il s’agira d’une soutenance hybride (lien Zoom à suivre). La présence du public sera possible, dans la limite de la jauge définie pour la salle. Si vous souhaitez assister à la soutenance, merci de remplir ce formulaire.

Au plaisir de compter sur votre présence.
José Aguilar
Dear Langcape colleagues and friends,
I would like to alert you to a new book written by Gaby Meier and Simone Smala in which you may be interested:
Meier G, Smala S (2021). Languages and Social Cohesion: A Transdisciplinary Literature Review. Routledge Advances in Sociology. ISBN 9780367637200
From the publisher’s webpage:
“A critical and systematic review of existing research located at the crossroads of sociology, social psychology and applied linguistics, Languages and Social Cohesion offers valuable insights for social contexts in which decision makers and researchers grapple with questions of social cohesion in the presence of linguistic diversity.”
For more details about the book, click on the cover image below.