The Langscape & Enrope networks call for applications for participation in a one-week Winter School to be held at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany, from February 27th until March 3rd, 2023. The Winter School topic will be
“Exploring plurilingual and multilingual teaching practices”.
The event is part of a Blended Intesive Programme, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme. All participants will also meet for an afternoon peraratory workshop on Dec. 16th, 2022.
Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in the field of plurilingualism and education, and advanced MA-students with a relevant research project are warmly invited to submit their application. Applicants from partner universities in the BIP Project are elegible to receive financial support for travel and accommodation. Please indicate your university affiliation in your application.
For more information, download the Winter School 2023 Flyer or contact the nearest Langscape & Enrope representative.
We are happy to recieve your application before October 14th, 2022 at
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
For the fourth volume of our network’s very own peer-reviewed online journal “Language Education and Multilingualism” the tireless editors, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, are looking for your contributions. The upcoming fourth volume will focus on:
Pluri- / multilingualism in language teachers’ pre-service studies and training.
Your proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages are expected by September 1, 2020.
For further details in English, Spanish, French, or German, please refer to the document embedded below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Thanks to the tireless efforts and dedication of our very own journal’s coordinators, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, and the wide spectrum of our authors’ remarkable contributions the new volume of LANGSCAPE’s very own journal is now available online. The current second volume focuses on
Migration movements and identities in European societies. Implications on multi-/plurilingualism in the education system.
We are especially grateful to our authors: Cédric Brudermann, José Aguilar & Myriam Abouzaïd; Eva-Maria Hennig-Klein; Lin Xue; Melanie Buser & Giuseppe Melfi; Gilles Forlot & Silvia Lucchini; Felix Etxeberria, Joxe Garmendia, Hilario Murua & Elisabete Arrieta; Blanka Gruntová; Frances Martin & Fatima Pirbhai-Illich; Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer & Barbara Thomas; Glenn Levine & Bridget Swanson. Your inspiring articles have encouraged us in the continuation of this long-term LANGSCAPE publication project.
You can find the current volume following this link:

If you would like to support us in bringing the journal to a wider audience, please feel free to download the above poster as a pdf via the button below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, esteemed colleagues, and friends,
Last year LANGSCAPE’s very own peer-reviewed online journal, titled Language Education and Multilingualism, released its first volume. Since then the editor team, i.e. Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Christiane Fäcke and Stephan Breidbach, have not only worked tirelessly to prepare the second volume. But, earlier this year, they also circulated the call for proposals for the third volume of the journal. Said third volume will focus on the topic of Multilingual life in urban linguistic landscapes. The editor team cordially invite your contributions to this volume of the journal.
Please see the call for proposals below for more details on the aim and focus of the volume.
Language Education and Multilingualism publishes original work in English, French, German, or Spanish.
The call for proposals closes on March 1st, 2019. Full articles will be due by August 1st, 2019. Please send your proposal to the following address:
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_deutsch
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_english
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_español
LEM Vol 3_Call for Papers_français
Please forward this CfP to colleagues interested in the topic and feel free to circulate it widely within your professional networks.
For further information about the journal, please visit the online site of Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal or contact
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, and colleagues,
We are very happy to inform you that the next LANGSCAPE meeting will take place during the international conference on “Family languages: attitudes, uses, policies and experiences”. The conference, to be held from 5-7 December 2019 in Paris, will be organised by DILTEC from the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 in collaboration with the EDA, Université Paris Descartes, the research departments of INALCO, the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, PRAXILING, and the LANGSCAPE network.
Of course, we would like to invite you to not only join us during the conference, but to actively participate as well. For further details, please see the call for papers in French, English and Spanish below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
L’EA 2288 Diltec, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, avec la collaboration de EDA, Université Paris Descartes, l’INALCO, de PRAXILING, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 et de Langscape, ont le plaisir de vous annoncer la tenue du colloque international “Les langues dans la famille : attitudes, usages, politiques, histoires”.
Ce colloque a pour but de réunir des équipes de recherche intéressées par les problématiques autour des liens entre la famille, les langues et d’autres institutions socialement plus complexes. 5 axes sont proposés à titre indicatif :
– Transmissions linguistiques et transmissions culturelles
– Acquisition et plurilinguisme
– Perspectives sociolinguistiques
– Les langues de l’enfant : de la maison à l’école et de l’école à la maison
– Approches transversales à partir de corpus littéraires et artistiques
Les thématiques et les approches gagneront à être croisées.
Téléchargez l’appel à propositions ici.
Date limite pour envoi de propositions : 15 mai 2019
Retours du CS prévus pour le 1 juillet 2019
Programme à venir. Propositions à soumettre directement dans le site du colloque
The Université Sorbonne Nouvelle EA 2288 DILTEC, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, in collaboration with the EDA, Université Paris Descartes, the research departments of INALCO, the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, PRAXILING, and Langscape are pleased to announce the international conference “Family languages: attitudes, uses, policies and experiences”.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together research teams interested in issues around the links between family, languages and other socially more complex institutions. 5 axes are proposed as an indication:
– Linguistic transmission and cultural transmission
– Acquisition and multilingualism
– Sociolinguistic perspectives
– Children’s languages: from home to school and school to home
– Literary and artistic corpus: an interdisciplinary approach
Participants are encouraged to send proposals that cross several axes.
You may download the call for papers here.
You may send your proposal before the 15th of May 2019
Confirmation of acceptance expected by the 1st of July 2019
Program to come. Please submit your proposals on the conference website
El EA 2288 DILTEC de la Universidad Sorbone Nouvelle – Paris 3, en colaboración con el laboratorio EDA, de la Universidad Paris Descartes, INALCO, PRAXILING de la Universidad Paul ValérieMontpellier 3 y Langscape tienen el placer de anunciar el coloquio internacional “Las lenguas en el seno de la familia: actitudes, usos, políticas e historias”.
El propósito de la conferencia es reunir equipos de investigación cuyos trabajos de investigación tengan relación con los vínculos entre la familia, los idiomas y otras instituciones socialmente más complejas. Se proponen 5 ejes a título indicativo:
– Transmisiones lingüísticas y transmisiones culturales
– Adquisición y plurilingüismo
– Perspectivas sociolingüísticas
– Las lenguas del niño/ la niña: de la casa a la escuela y de la escuela a la casa
– Enfoques transversales basados en corpus literarios y artísticos
Se recomienda enviar propuestas que integren varios ejes.
La convocatoria puede ser descargada desde aquí.
La fecha límite de envío de propuestas es el 15 de mayo de 2019
Respuesta del CS prevista para el 1 de julio de 2019
El programa se comunicará próximamente El envío de propuestas se realiza directamente desde la página del coloquio
Dear LANGSCAPE members,
During the LANGSCAPE Conference 2017 in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL) we had the opportunity to listen to Erika Kalocsányiová’s interesting talk about her research project. Albeit rather belatedly, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that by now her dedicated work has developed into an article titled “At the borders of languages: the role of ideologies in the integration of forced migrants in multilingual Luxembourg”.
Her paper considers the role of language ideologies in the linguistic integration of forced migrants. It discusses the findings of an ethnographic exploration that was conducted in Luxembourg with five individuals who sought refuge there. A network of teachers and institutional representatives constituted the secondary pool of research participants. Through analysis of metalinguistic discourse and narrative episodes, the paper scrutinises the instrumental and integrative dimensions of language. In particular, it draws attention to and problematises the hegemonic ideologies that inform linguistic integration. By bringing into focus multilingual realities and mobile aspirations, this research seeks to provide a new impetus to the reconceptualisation of integration.
You can read Erika Kalocsányiová’s full article by following this link.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
We would like to announce the latest title by Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes, Julie McAllister, Malory Leclère and Grégory Miras: “Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World”, which is due to be published by Multilingual Matters in March 2019. Our best wishes and felicitations to the authors!
For further information, and a very generous discount on ordering it, please see the book’s official flyer and the corresponding webpage at Multilingual Matters.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear all,
There are currently a number of funded Doctoral studentship opportunities at the University of Exeter’s Graduate School of Education, incl. in the field of language education. The following opportunities are now being advertised on the University website:
1) ESRC South-West Doctoral Training Partnership +3 and 1+3 Studentships. Please see: Deadline for application: 2nd February 2017.
2) University of Exeter Diamond Jubilee Scholarship. Please see: Deadline for application: 15th January 2017.
3) University of Exeter International Excellence Scholarship for Postgraduate Research. Please see: Deadline for application: 15th January 2017.
Full details of SSIS College PGR funding opportunities can be found here: This page includes links to the various schemes and contains details about entry requirements and applications.
The Graduate School of Education has particular language-related strengths in:
· Educational corpus linguistics
· English for Academic Purposes
· Language teacher cognition
· Technology-enhanced learning
· Bilingual and multilingual approaches to education
· Language education and social cohesion
See here for a list of faculty working in these areas. We would strongly encourage potential applicants to contact a faculty member who might act as their supervisor and who could support them in the application process.
All the best,
Gabriela Meier
(Senior Lecturer in Language Education)
The 2017 Langscape Conference and Board of Director’s meeting will be held from 12-14 October, 2017 in Leeuwarden, Frisland (NL). We would like to thank Cor van der Meer and the Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (a divison of the Fryske Academy) very warmly for hosting both events.
The conference will be titled “Multilingualism and Minorities” to reflect the special focus of the Mercator Research Centre on research related to regional and minority languages throughout Europe and beyond.
One session within the conference will be dedicated to “VUM and Language Pedagogy”, which will be the follow-up session for the VUM project (Vitality of Urban Multilingualism) kicked-off at this year’s Langscape conference in Berlin in July. All langscape members and the local VUM research groups in Augsburg, Berlin, Brussels, Istanbul, and London are particularly invited to present their work in this special-topic strand.
Last but not least, we are again planning for a doctoral seminar to take place in conjunction with the conference to give our junior researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work in progress with us.
Please save the date for the upcoming Langscape Conference and BoD-Meeting from 12-14 Oct., 2017 in Leeuwarden.
Stephan & Lutz
The latest volume in MSU (Mehrsprachigkeit in Schule und Unterricht, Vo. 14) is now ready for delivery:
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Europe (CLIL) – Research Perspectives on Policy and Practice, edited by Stephan Breidbach & Britta Viebrock (2013, Peter Lang Publishers).
Here is an adapted excerpt from the cover text:
CLIL has received a strong tailwind in European educational and language policies. However, an overly speedy implementation of CLIL ‘for all’ carries many uncharted risks for all groups of stakeholders. The purpose of this book is to link the growing empirical knowledge about the full complexity of CLIL to the current European educational and language policies.
This bi-lingual volume (English/German) brings together authors from several European countries to present significant findings from recent CLIL research in the light of the developments in education policy. The four parts of the book focus on the reconstruction of learning processes, learner achievement, investigations of the concept of CLIL, and critical reflections on the current “CLIL boom”.
Contributors from Langscape:
Stephan Breidbach, Daniela Elsner, Özlem Etus, Marie-Anne Hansen-Pauly, Katja Lochtman and Britta Viebrock.
A preview of the table of content will follow here, soon.
Please consider recommending the volume for purchase to your librarian. Direct orders can be placed with Peter Lang Publishers.