Dear Langscape community (and beyond),
The LEM editors call for contribution proposals to the upcoming 2023 volume of Language Education and Multilingualism. We invite original research papers relating to the theme of Plurilingualism and language policies in tertiary/higher education and research in Europe and beyond.
Aiming to explore practices, discourses and mind-sets within a field structured likewise by multi-/plurilingualism and tendencies towards linguistic mainstreaming of English in the academia, the new volume of LEM will publish research concerning topics focusing tertiary or higher education contexts in Europe and worldwide such as:
- Research of lingua francae
- Plurilingual education programmes: state of the art, historical analysis, perspectives in tertiary/higher education
- Transnational institutions charged of analysing tertiary/higher education, their functions, their scope and educational policies
- Language ideologies in tertiary/higher education
- Plurilingual research practices in research teams
- The dominance of publications in English (or not)
- Epistemological implications of multilingual research contexts
- Language learning and language learning provisions in tertiary/higher education
- The role of minority languages in tertiary/higher education and research
- Government and institutional policies regarding language uses in tertiary/higher education and research
We invite proposals for contributions which address one or several of the above areas. Proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages should be sent no later than January 12th, 2023.
Please refer to the multilingual Call for Proposals below for a more detailled description of Vol. 6 and information about how to submit and an estimated timeline.
Dear Langcape colleagues and friends,
I would like to alert you to a new book written by Gaby Meier and Simone Smala in which you may be interested:
Meier G, Smala S (2021). Languages and Social Cohesion: A Transdisciplinary Literature Review. Routledge Advances in Sociology. ISBN 9780367637200
From the publisher’s webpage:
“A critical and systematic review of existing research located at the crossroads of sociology, social psychology and applied linguistics, Languages and Social Cohesion offers valuable insights for social contexts in which decision makers and researchers grapple with questions of social cohesion in the presence of linguistic diversity.”
For more details about the book, click on the cover image below.

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
For the fourth volume of our network’s very own peer-reviewed online journal “Language Education and Multilingualism” the tireless editors, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, are looking for your contributions. The upcoming fourth volume will focus on:
Pluri- / multilingualism in language teachers’ pre-service studies and training.
Your proposals of 1.5 to 2 pages are expected by September 1, 2020.
For further details in English, Spanish, French, or German, please refer to the document embedded below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
Thanks to the tireless efforts and dedication of our very own journal’s coordinators, Christiane Fäcke, Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, and Stephan Breidbach, and the wide spectrum of our authors’ remarkable contributions the new volume of LANGSCAPE’s very own journal is now available online. The current second volume focuses on
Migration movements and identities in European societies. Implications on multi-/plurilingualism in the education system.
We are especially grateful to our authors: Cédric Brudermann, José Aguilar & Myriam Abouzaïd; Eva-Maria Hennig-Klein; Lin Xue; Melanie Buser & Giuseppe Melfi; Gilles Forlot & Silvia Lucchini; Felix Etxeberria, Joxe Garmendia, Hilario Murua & Elisabete Arrieta; Blanka Gruntová; Frances Martin & Fatima Pirbhai-Illich; Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer & Barbara Thomas; Glenn Levine & Bridget Swanson. Your inspiring articles have encouraged us in the continuation of this long-term LANGSCAPE publication project.
You can find the current volume following this link:

If you would like to support us in bringing the journal to a wider audience, please feel free to download the above poster as a pdf via the button below.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller

Dear LANGSCAPE members,
During the LANGSCAPE Conference 2017 in Leeuwarden/Ljouwert (NL) we had the opportunity to listen to Erika Kalocsányiová’s interesting talk about her research project. Albeit rather belatedly, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that by now her dedicated work has developed into an article titled “At the borders of languages: the role of ideologies in the integration of forced migrants in multilingual Luxembourg”.
Her paper considers the role of language ideologies in the linguistic integration of forced migrants. It discusses the findings of an ethnographic exploration that was conducted in Luxembourg with five individuals who sought refuge there. A network of teachers and institutional representatives constituted the secondary pool of research participants. Through analysis of metalinguistic discourse and narrative episodes, the paper scrutinises the instrumental and integrative dimensions of language. In particular, it draws attention to and problematises the hegemonic ideologies that inform linguistic integration. By bringing into focus multilingual realities and mobile aspirations, this research seeks to provide a new impetus to the reconceptualisation of integration.
You can read Erika Kalocsányiová’s full article by following this link.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear LANGSCAPE members, colleagues, and friends,
We would like to announce the latest title by Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes, Julie McAllister, Malory Leclère and Grégory Miras: “Language Learning and Teaching in a Multilingual World”, which is due to be published by Multilingual Matters in March 2019. Our best wishes and felicitations to the authors!
For further information, and a very generous discount on ordering it, please see the book’s official flyer and the corresponding webpage at Multilingual Matters.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear Langscape members,
The call below reached us through another network. The coincidence with the topic of our own journal highlights the potential of the theme for research opportunities, which is why we are happy to share the call with the wider Langscape community.
Kind regards,
Stephan Breidbach and Florian Möller
Language Learning of Migrants in Europe:
Theoretical, Empirical, Policy, and Pedagogical Issues
Editors: Glenn S. Levine (University of California, Irvine) and David Mallows (University College London)
We invite abstract submissions for a planned volume on the learning of host country languages by migrants in Europe. The primary goals of the volume are to identify, clarify, and offer insights into issues and central questions related to the learning of host country languages, focusing primarily on adolescent and adult refugees and asylum seekers, in formal, non-formal, and community settings. Formal settings include professional teaching contexts of all sorts. Non-formal settings, which may be in classrooms, usually do not follow a formal curriculum or have accreditation. They also include drop-in sites, one-on-one/small groups, oral skills practice, and homework support, often delivered by volunteers. Community settings are often are not organized around explicit language learning goals but may provide opportunities for language use and social support (e.g. cooking clubs, gardening groups, choirs, drop-in sites providing help with forms and official correspondence, organized visits to local places of interest, or simply a safe space for conversation or support).
Proposed contributions can be:
- Qualitative, quantitative or mixed-methods empirical studies;
- Theoretical or conceptual treatments of issues related to policy and/or pedagogical practice
- Rigorous scholarly treatment of curricular or pedagogical projects or initiatives
- Critical treatment of any of the following: teaching materials; curricula; programs; assessment instruments or systems; teacher education; local, regional, national, or transnational policies
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Pedagogical issues and approaches responsive to needs of particular migrant groups, such as refugees
- Assessment of learning, competences, literacies, aspects of integration
- Roles of digital technologies or media in teaching and learning
- Peer teaching
- Language socialization
- Creativity and language learning
- Plurilingual features/approaches to teaching vis-à-vis learners’ respective L1s or
multilingualism - Non-linguistic phenomena or issues that obtain in or affect teaching and learning
- Learner characteristics or issues (e.g. educational background, literacy, trauma,
motivation, willingness to communicate) - Learner language use inside or outside of formal or non-formal learning settings
- Learner literacies or multiliteracies
- Learner identities
- Issues of language teacher education that involve or affect language learning
- Teacher adaptation/sensitization to teaching/learning contexts
- Teacher identities
- Issues of integration as relates to language learning
- Political or legal issues and/or policies that affect teaching and learning
- EU-wide issues / problems related to language teaching and learning
The intended audience for the volume includes applied linguists, program directors, curriculum developers, teacher educators, those engaged with policy related to language learning of migrants, and of course, language teachers and others facilitating language learning and integration of migrants in Europe.
The volume is being developed in dialog with a major international publisher that has expressed interest in the project.
The submission deadline for max. 500-word abstracts is September 1, 2018. Notification will be sent by September 30, 2018. For those whose abstracts are accepted for possible inclusion, complete manuscripts will be due March 1, 2019, which will be sent to two readers for blind peer review. Manuscripts should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words and follow APA format. The editors, Glenn Levine ( and David Mallows (, welcome any questions about the volume and your potential contribution.
Dear colleagues, fellow Langscape members, and friends,
Having just published the first volume of our very own digital, peer-reviewed journal Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal, we are happy to present to you the call for papers for the second volume of our journal. We would like to encourage you to contribute to the upcoming volume, which will focus on migration movements and identities in European societies and implications on multi-/plurilingualism in the education system. Since the journal deals with multilinguality in content and form, authors are invited to send in their abstracts in English, French, German or Spanish. Accordingly, you will find below a pdf-document of the call for papers in each of these languages:
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_deutsch
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_english
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_espagnol
CfP_Language Education and Multilingualism Vol 2_francais
Please feel free, and highly encouraged, to pass this CfP on to your colleagues and circulate it in your networks. If you do have any further questions regarding the CfP or the journal, you can contact the editors via
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear Langscape members, colleagues, and friends,
We rejoice in announcing that Langscape finally has its own journal: “Language Education and Multilingualism”! Of course, we are very grateful to all of the authors: Claire Kramsch; Franz-Joseph Meißner; Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes; Adelheid Hu; Ulrike Jessner, Valentina Török & Claudia Pellegrini; Gabriela Meier; Elena Gómez Parra; Ofelia García & Maite Sánchez; Katja Lochtman; Yan-Zhen Chen & Christine Hélot. Thank you for entrusting your inspiring articles to us for publication. Furthermore our special thanks go to the coordinators of the journal, Christiane Fäcke and Marie-Françoise Narcy-Combes, for their intense engagement in and dedicated work on this project.
You can find the first voume of our journal at
We heartily hope that you will join us in celebrating the finalisation of this long-term project. If you want to do so, you can use this poster to join in:
You are, of course, most welcome to print the above poster and we would like to encourage you to circulate it via your associated networks.
Kind regards,
Florian Möller
Dear friends and colleagues in Langscape,
In the last two years, Langscape members Stephan Breidbach and José Medina were involved in a EU-funded project focusing on bringing together methods and activities from Drama Pedagogy and Content and Language Integrated Learning: playingCLIL.
The main product of this project is now available online: a substantial e-book compilation of annotated interactive games ready for use in content matter classes taught through a foreign language.
Whilst the full version of the handbook is available in English, executive summaries of the handbook also exist in three further languages for easy dissemination: German, Romanian, and Spanish. Click here to access the project website and have all the materials at your fingertips completely free of charge!
We have also developed
- a one-week training course for CLIL teachers (in-service),
- an introductory workshop to playingCLIL for a week-end, and, last but not least,
- a 90-minute quick-starter seminar.
All three formats are available on demand.
You can also follow the project on Facebook – if you like it, like it! For queries and enquiries contact:
Stephan Breidbach & José Medina