Archiv für Februar 2015

Berlin mit Brighu – eine Graphic Novel von Sarnath Banerjee

Sarnath Banerjee hat über seine Zeit in Berlin eine Graphic Novel verfasst, deren einzelne Episoden über die Webseite des Goethe-Instituts in Neu-Delhi angesehen werden können.


A Graphic Novel by Sarnath Banerjee: The Indian Brighu leads through Berlin in 17 episodes – from the arrival at Tegel Airport, first winter nights and the spring awakening to the topics anxiety, life and love. 

Sarnath Banerjee created a Graphic Novel about his time in Berlin for the Indian daily newspaper The Hindu. The creativly complex and critical work combines experiences from Berlin with memories and historical events as well as cultural differences.

Episode 1: Arrival

Episode 1: Arrival © Sarnath Banerjee

Brighu arrives at the quaint and outpostlike Tegel Airport in the middle of a blizzard. Earlier, an unexpected upgrade to Business Class and several glasses of single malt have made him philosophical about life.  

Link: Berlin mit Brighu – die einzelnen Episoden

Link: Mehr über die künstlerischen Arbeiten von Sarnath Banerjee

19. Februar 2015 | Veröffentlicht von Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider | Kein Kommentar »
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