INDIA TODAY, New Delhi, October 25, 2014

Using the Diwali milan (get-together) organised by BJP chief Amit Shah at the party headquarters, Modi freely mixed with a few hundred journalists, including top editors and beat reporters.
„I used to arrange chairs here (BJP office) waiting for you (media). Those were different days when we used to interact freely. I had a beautiful relationship with you and it helped me in Gujarat,“ he told the assembled editors, reporters and other journalists at Diwali milan (get-together) hosted by BJP President Amit Shah at the party headquarters.
Fondly recalling the deep relationship he had with the media, Modi said he was looking for ways to further deepen and expand the old relationship.
„Some way will be found. It is important to interact with media directly rather than the reportage and articles. By interacting directly, one gets to know things which media persons cannot report. Not only does one get information but also vision, which is very valuable,“ he said.
Referring to ‚Swachh Bharat‘ campaign launched by him, Modi said he was happy to see several articles, TV features and social media write-ups on the subject, giving the mission a wide publicity.
„Media has converted its pen into broom… This is a service to the nation,“ he said, saying he felt indebted by this.
He said although 80 percent of the media coverage is criticism of governments but this is an issue which affects the image of the country and impacts the poorest most.
„More important than health care is preventive health care and cleanliness plays a crucial role in this,“ he said, adding that it is a national duty to raise awareness about the issue.
Noting that all including influential people are getting involved in the ‚Swachh Bharat‘ campaign, he said the notion that government has to do everything has changed.
„For the last 60 years, the thinking was that government has to do everything. Now the thinking is that we all have to work together. This demonstrates how big a role media can play,“ Modi said.
Media has inspired people to take part in cleanliness exercise, he said.
Earlier, Shah said the central government is doing a good job after people have reposed faith in Modi’s leadership. He hoped that it will rise to the expectations of the people.
Modi later mingled with journalists many of whom jostled to get clicked with him. Several young journalists did selfies with the Prime Minister who happily obliged them.
Read more at: Modi thanks Media
KOSMOS Workshop: Media, Social Movements and the New Indian Middle Class in India
Am 20. September 2014 findet am Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften ein internationaler Workshop zum Themenkomplex Medien, Gesellschaft und Politik im zeitgenössichen Indien statt. Neben Paper-Präsentationen soll es darin auch um den Austausch mit Kolleginnen über Fragen der Lehre gehen, insbesondere über die Frage, wie medienbezogene Themen und Fragestellungen darin vermittelt werden.
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KOSMOS Workshop 20 Sep 2014
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List of Abstracts_KOSMOS Workshop
Kontakt und Anmeldung bis zum 13. September 2014:
You watched the wrenching documentary. You posted your outrage on Twitter. But are you good for more than a few easy keystrokes of hashtag activism?
Participant Media and some powerful partners need to know.
For the last year Participant, an activist entertainment company that delivers movies with a message, has been quietly working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Knight Foundation and the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism to answer a question vexing those who would use media to change the world.
That is, what actually gets people moving? Do grant-supported media projects incite change, or are they simply an expensive way of preaching to the choir?
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Zwischen Globalisierung, Ausdifferenzierung und bedrohter Glaubwürdigkeit
von Nadja-Christina Schneider
In: Dossier Indien – Bildung und Kultur. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Indiens Medienlandschaft ist vielfältig. Das liegt zum einen an der Größe des Landes, zum anderen an den regionalen, sprachlichen und soziokulturellen Unterschieden. Neben Fernsehen und Radio haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren auch soziale Medien rasant entwickelt und die Mediennutzung verändert. Eine Zeitungskrise wie in den USA oder Europa scheint bislang nicht in Sicht. Allerdings gibt es Faktoren, die die Glaubwürdigkeit der indischen Medien bedrohen.
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von Bettina Gräf
The three-day international conference was organised by Nadja-Christina Schneider (Humboldt University Berlin) and hosted by the Deutsche-Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) research network “Medialisation and Social Change Outside Europe: South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Arab-Speaking Region” (2011–2014). It took place in November 2013 at the Institute for Asian and African Studies at Humboldt University Berlin and was composed of five thematic panels, three keynote lectures, a poster presentation, a film screening and a final discussion round. Encompassing four regions, the panels dealt with media art and documentary filmmaking (1.), the political economy of the media (2.), changing media and religious renegotiations (3.), gender and changing identities (4.) and converging media and changing practices (5.) …
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von Sahana Udupa
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Vol – XLIX No. 7, February 15, 2014
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von Sahana Udupa
Exploring the highly competitive bilingual news field in urban India, I illustrate how localization of news content has led to conflictual discourses around who should constitute “the local” and for what end. Mediatized contests over “the local” frame urban politics along linguistic and cultural divides, articulated through populist challenges to neoliberal media discourses of “the global local.” In turning a critical eye to these mediatized contests, I extend the recent emphasis on the need to “ground” globalization studies and explore the concrete ways in which globalization imprints itself on local spaces. I argue that local and global formations are embedded in the dynamics of news fields in ways that elude generalized claims advanced by pessimists of cultural homogeneity as well as by optimists of local resistance.
American Ethnologist
Volume 39, Issue 4, pages 819–834, November 2012
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Indische Medien in Vientiane, Laos
von Max Priebe
Indien gilt als der weltweit zweitgrößte Zeitungsmarkt und verzeichnet, anders als viele westliche Industriestaaten, jährlich positive Wachstumsraten. Durch Regionalisierung und Lokalisierung, Kommerzialisierung und Professionalisierung sowie die Anbindung neuer Medienformen wie dem Internet hat sich eine vielfältige und vitale Printmedienlandschaft herausgebildet, die weit über die Grenzen Indiens hinaus Leser anzieht.
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